[ninux-dev] Info libre-mesh, openwrt, nodeshot, netengine

Nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Sat May 24 14:21:52 CEST 2014

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On 05/23/2014 06:23 PM, Gioacchino Mazzurco wrote:
> Jow di openwrt stava dando info interessanti su IRC riguardo alle api JSON di 
> ubus per prendere le info e/o controllare il device, credo che vi possa 
> interessare
> [16:54:40] <karlp> jow_laptop: I'm trying to follow 
> http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/techref/ubus#access.to.ubus.over.http but getting 
> a bit stuck,
> [16:54:50] <karlp> I can use ubus -v call file read '{"path": "/tmp/tfile"}' 
> from the cli, and that works well,
> [16:54:58] <karlp> but curl --data "method=list" http://eg-134867.local/ubus/
> [16:55:11] <karlp> and curl --data-urlencode 
> "method=call&object=file&function=read&data={'path':'/tmp/tfile'}" 
> http://eg-134867.local/ubus don't work at all
> [16:55:26] <karlp> I just get {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":null,"error":
> {"code":-32700,"message":"Parse error"}} returned all the time
> [16:58:29] <cyrusff> karlp: you have to send json in the post-body
> [16:58:38] RealOpty [~openwrt at] has joined #openwrt-devel
> [16:58:39] <cyrusff> see jsonrpc-specs
> [16:58:52] <karlp> wher eis jsonrpc-specs?
> [16:58:56] <cyrusff> google ;)
> [16:59:06] <cyrusff> version 2.0
> [16:59:09] <cyrusff> for the specs
> [17:00:07] <karlp> ok, wasn't aware this was any standard thing :)
> [17:00:49] <karlp> the access.ubus.over.http section was just showing 
> "method=call&sid=...&object=...&function=...&data=..."
> [17:00:54] <cyrusff> yeah you can actually find implementations for most major 
> programming languages
> [17:01:16] <cyrusff> this wiki page looks wrong if you ask me
> [17:01:50] <jow_laptop> yeah that wiki page is completely wrong
> [17:01:56] <karlp> that would agree with what I was seeing :)
> [17:02:03] <jow_laptop> its also way more complicated
> [17:02:20] <jow_laptop> for the current ubus via http you need to setup acls 
> and login to be able to see anything
> [17:02:44] <jow_laptop> unless you disable authentication in uhttpd-mod-ubus 
> with the "-a" flag
> [17:03:05] <karlp> so /etc/config/uhttpd just has "option ubus_prefix '/ubus'"
> [17:03:14] <karlp> and that won't actually do anything without further config 
> then?
> [17:03:58] <jow_laptop> it will
> [17:04:14] <jow_laptop> but you'll get permission denied for all accesses 
> because you need to setup acls first
> [17:04:18] <jow_laptop> moment...
> [17:06:35] <jow_laptop> #1 an acl definition in 
> /usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/whatever.json - http://pastebin.com/Pc9GgSsv
> [17:07:19] <karlp> ok, and jsonrpc docs say "{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": 
> "subtract", "params": {"subtrahend": 23, "minuend": 42}, "id": 3}" for calls 
> with named params
> [17:07:36] <karlp> how does that translate to ubus call <path> <method> 
> [<message with further named args>]
> [17:07:50] <jow_laptop> #2 a login account in /etc/config/rpcd: 
> http://pastebin.com/AQYBzxqD
> [17:08:45] <karlp> ok, I already have #2 out of the box on current trunk it 
> seems
> [17:09:14] <jow_laptop> nope, only an unauthenticated acl which just grants 
> enough rights to allow you to call login
> [17:09:44] <karlp> what should "wahtever" be, in /usr/share/rpcd, there's 
> already unauthenticated.json,
> [17:09:53] <jow_laptop> name is arbritary
> [17:09:58] <jow_laptop> the files are read via globbing
> [17:10:09] <jow_laptop> but you can call it "superuser" or "root" for clarity
> [17:11:07] <karlp> you mean there can only be one file?
> [17:11:18] <jow_laptop> there can be as many as you like
> [17:11:23] <jow_laptop> they're all merged
> [17:12:15] <karlp> so the top level key in blah.json and whatever.json is used 
> rather thean the filename then I presume, and where do _those_ match to?
> [17:12:42] <jow_laptop> to the "list read" and "list write" keys in config 
> login of /etc/config/rpcd
> [17:12:50] <jow_laptop> those map acl roles to user accounts
> [17:12:53] <karlp> right, thanks :) that's the bit I was missing
> [17:13:33] <jow_laptop> on to step #3 - perform a login: 
> http://pastebin.com/awTkKHHU
> [17:14:02] <jow_laptop> the sessionid "00000000000000000000000000000000" is a 
> speciall nul-session which just has enough access rights for the session.login 
> ubus call
> [17:14:13] <karlp> does the number of those 0s matter?
> [17:14:18] <jow_laptop> yes, 32
> [17:16:19] <karlp> ok, calling the login without setting up the acls gives me 
> no erorrs, just a {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":1,"result":[6]} which is ok, I didn't 
> follow the rules, but is that what's meant to be received if you don't have 
> access?
> [17:17:36] <karlp> in your example superuser.json file, it lists ubus: * and 
> uci: *
> [17:17:50] <jow_laptop> yes, code 6 is the ubus return code - 
> [17:18:09] <karlp> is it correct to presume that ubus: [file,log, service] 
> would be valid too? and do you need uci:* when uci is avialable via ubus as 
> well?
> [17:18:20] <karlp> that's just for the existing json-rpc for uci, from luci1 
> right?
> [17:19:13] <jow_laptop> ubus: { file: [ "*" ], log: [ "*" ], service: [ "*" ] } 
> would be valid
> [17:19:38] <jow_laptop> it would grant access to ubus call file *, ubus call 
> log *, ubus call service *
> [17:19:47] <karlp> ok, that makes sense.
> [17:20:07] <jow_laptop> the uci: scope is used for the uci api provided by 
> rpcd
> [17:20:18] <jow_laptop> to allow defining per-file permissions
> [17:20:29] <jow_laptop> because using the ubus scope you can onyl say uci set 
> is allowed or not allowed
> [17:20:47] <jow_laptop> but not specify that it is allowed to e.g. modify 
> /e/c/system but not /e/c/network
> [17:21:23] <jow_laptop> if you do not use the ubus uci api then you do not 
> need to define uci: acls either
> [17:22:38] <karlp> ok, do you have an example of making a call now that I have 
> the ubus_rpc_session key now?
> [17:22:45] <jow_laptop> http://pastebin.com/KiixX6Vt
> [17:23:54] <jow_laptop> so the json container format is:   { "jsonrpc": "2.0", 
> "id": <unique-id-to-identify-request>, "method": "call", "params": [ 
> <ubus_rpc_session>, <ubus_object>, <ubus_method>, { <ubus_arguments> } ] }
> [17:24:01] <karlp> yay, it worked.
> [17:24:26] <karlp> ok, thanks heaps, now to spend a bunch of time writing into 
> the wiki :|
> [17:24:43] <jow_laptop> the "id": key is merely echo'ed by the server, so its 
> most not be strictly unique
> [17:24:45] <karlp> I'll just replace the whole section in 
> http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/techref/ubus#access.to.ubus.over.http ok?
> [17:25:00] <jow_laptop> its mainly intended for client software to easily 
> relate responses to previously made requests
> [17:25:03] <jow_laptop> yep
> [17:25:14] <jow_laptop> *it must not be strictly unique
> [17:25:44] <jow_laptop> its type is also not specified afair
> [17:26:02] <jow_laptop> can be an sha1 hash, md5 sum, sequence counter, unix 
> timestamp, ...
> [17:26:09] <jow_laptop> either number or string
> [17:26:29] <karlp> I was looking into this to try and make some web pages 
> simpler than calling luci1 lua controllers to do stuff and squirt responses 
> back, I guess this moves all the coding into my javascript instead now :)
> [17:26:38] <jow_laptop> yes
> [17:26:52] <jow_laptop> there is also some initial luci2 prototype implemented 
> in js
> [17:27:03] <karlp> yeah, I've seen teh discussions a bit, haven't tried it out 
> yet
> [17:27:25] <karlp> eventually there'll be a magical ubus-websockets right? ;)
> [17:27:32] eva42_ [~eva42 at c-68-56-185-188.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] is now known as 
> eva42
> [17:27:37] aversario [~chatzilla at p549B3233.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined 
> #openwrt-devel
> [17:27:40] <jow_laptop> dunno, if someone implements it - why not
> [17:28:00] <jow_laptop> as far as I understood it, just the transport layer 
> would change
> [17:28:04] <jow_laptop> the json protocol would remain
> [17:28:46] <karlp> yeah, not my strength either
> [17:29:11] <jow_laptop> one thing I will add soon is to add CORS headers to 
> uhttpd-mod-ubus
> [17:29:28] <jow_laptop> so ajax2 capable browser can access it from anywhere, 
> not just within the same origin domain
> [17:29:54] <jow_laptop> this way you can host the webui somewhere else and can 
> login using ip + user + pass to any router
> [17:30:00] <karlp> I've got an mqtt broker on my device, just because it plays 
> with more people than ubus/dbus, at least from my poitn of view, and I want to 
> get a lot of that out into the browser, we've been doing writing out to files 
> and lua controllers to read them in again, and delete old ones, which is a bit 
> lunky.
> [17:30:16] <karlp> sounds interesting
> [17:30:28] <karlp> I need to make sure https works too really,
> [17:30:40] <jow_laptop> yeah, thats more or less a precondition
> [17:31:55] <karlp> at least it only needs _a_ cert, it can be the same cert on 
> all devices
> [17:32:02] <jow_laptop> btw, here's a more complicated acl file as used by 
> luci2 atm: 
> http://git.openwrt.org/?p=project/luci2/ui.git;a=blob;f=luci2/share/acl.d/luci2.json
> [17:32:25] trapier [~trapier at cpe-174-097-188-117.nc.res.rr.com] has joined 
> #openwrt-devel
> [17:32:25] <jow_laptop> instead of granting access to anything it defines 
> multiple scopes needed for various pages
> [17:32:32] <karlp> thanks, that's a good example to help understand what you 
> can do
> [17:33:20] <jow_laptop> and an example guest account: 
> http://pastebin.com/gfcMDY7p
> [17:33:23] <karlp> do those then need different users in /etc/config/rpcd for 
> each of them?
> [17:33:38] <jow_laptop> read only access to everything except the software 
> tasks (opkg calls etc.)
> [17:33:48] <jow_laptop> no write access
> [17:33:57] <karlp> so $p$xxxx is passwords from /etc/passwd
> [17:34:11] <jow_laptop> $p$<user> refers to /etc/shadow
> [17:34:12] <karlp> what's $1? is this some traditional linux password thing I 
> should know from somewhere else?
> [17:34:26] <jow_laptop> $1$ is just a crypt() hash
> [17:34:32] <jow_laptop> using sha1
> [17:34:37] <jow_laptop> the same stuff used in /etc/shadow
> [17:34:53] <jow_laptop> you can generate it using e.g. "uhttpd -m secret"
> [17:35:30] JyZyXEL [~foo at a88-115-40-53.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined 
> #openwrt-devel
> [17:35:46] <karlp> so in the big luci2.json, those are just _definitions_ of 
> sections and access,
> [17:35:47] <jow_laptop> or on a normal linux using "mkpasswd -m md5 secret"
> [17:35:54] <jow_laptop> right
> [17:36:07] <karlp> you still need to setup the rpcd users to give accesses to 
> each of those blocks
> [17:36:14] <jow_laptop> yes
> [17:36:47] <karlp> ok, my brain's about full for right now, I'll try and 
> digest a bit of this and write it up, but there'll probably still be mistakes 
> on the wiki when I'm finished :)
> [17:36:49] <jow_laptop> and the default account shipped is 
> http://pastebin.com/wrBkeHix
> [17:37:20] <jow_laptop> means: username root, password from root (same as ssh 
> etc.) and read+write access to any definition in any 
> /usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/*.json
> [17:37:43] <karlp> oh, ok, and because the default _definitions_ are that 
> unauthenticated.json, you can login, but you can't actually do anyuthing even 
> after logging in
> [17:37:52] <jow_laptop> exactly
> [17:38:04] <jow_laptop> if you issue via ssh "ubus call session list"
> [17:38:18] <jow_laptop> you should see a dump of all sessions including their 
> effective acls
> [17:40:19] <mhei> Hi all. I would like to play a little bit with an own 
> instance of a buildbot. Is the configuration/scripts which drives the buildbots 
> somewhere documented. I didn't find anything at the wiki/google...
> [17:43:37] <karlp> one more thing, currently, with the lua controllers, once 
> you're logged in, you're in, and I don't hve to do anything to handle session 
> expiry/timouts,
> [17:43:59] <karlp> do you have any advice on how to handle this via the 
> jsonrpc interface?
> [17:44:20] <jow_laptop> sessions timeout after by default 300s
> [17:44:31] <karlp> I saw that I got :-32002, Access denied when the session 
> had expired
> [17:44:46] <jow_laptop> whenever you use the session, e.g. performing a call, 
> the coutdown is reset
> [17:45:07] <karlp> just hinking about how to handle this in the UI actually,
> [17:45:26] <jow_laptop> luci2 performs aheartbeat every 5 seconds
> [17:45:51] <jow_laptop> it calls session.access on its own sessions to see 
> whether it is still logged in
> [17:45:59] <jow_laptop> if not, the login prompt will pop up
> [17:46:35] <jow_laptop> so as  long as the network connectivity works, the 
> session never expires
> [17:48:39] <karlp> ok, that's if I'm in the luci2 ui. fair enough :)
> [17:48:55] <karlp> I was looking at using this in our existing luci app, but I 
> guess that's my problem then :)
> [17:48:57] <jow_laptop> "timeout": is a property of the login call btw, so you 
> can specify something higher - like 3600s
> [17:49:15] <jow_laptop> I plan to switch luci1 to ubus sessions as well
> [17:49:43] <karlp> before or after barrier breaker gets released? ;)
> [17:49:47] <jow_laptop> but not decided yet as this would pull in rpcd and 
> uhttpd-mod-ubus as requirements, making it bigger again
> [17:50:04] <karlp> would be a nicer position to go forward from though,
> [17:50:17] <jow_laptop> on the other hand I got remove a lot of server side 
> data gathering code from the controlers and do it in js instead
> [17:50:22] <jow_laptop> *I could
> [17:54:44] RooTer [~rooter at 87-205-93-248.adsl.inetia.pl] has quit IRC: Ping 
> timeout: 252 seconds
> [18:00:11] <karlp> so, the /ubus url, that's not really actually _ubus_, 
> that's rpcd? is that correct?
> [18:00:47] <jow_laptop> no, uhttpd
> [18:01:03] <jow_laptop> rpcd is just a service which happens to provide the 
> serssion.* namespace which uhttpd uses to aurthenticate
> [18:01:06] <jow_laptop> brb
> [18:02:19] Mazilo [~quassel at 2601:0:8d80:82f:224:8cff:fec3:4a28] has quit IRC: 
> Ping timeout: 240 seconds
> [18:03:04] Moon_Cheetah [~Moon_Chee at] has joined #openwrt-devel
> [18:04:30] <karlp> the reason I asked, is that ubus from the command line 
> doesn't need any logins or acls, but uhttpd-mod-ubus does, and those acls are 
> setup in the rpcd directory, not any ubus directory
> [18:08:47] Moon_Cheetah [~Moon_Chee at] has quit IRC: Remote host 
> closed the connection
> [18:10:01] kako [~kako at host31-54-89-15.range31-54.btcentralplus.com] has quit 
> IRC: Quit: Verlassend
> [18:14:32] <jow_laptop> yes, basically for any request received by /ubus, 
> uhttpd runs "ubus call session access '{ ubus-rpc-session, requested-object, 
> requested-method }'
> [18:14:48] <jow_laptop> and however is providing the ubus session.* namespace 
> is in charge of implementing the acl
> [18:14:53] <jow_laptop> this happens to be rpcd
> [18:15:05] <jow_laptop> *whoever
> [18:15:34] <jow_laptop> in the very beginning the sessioning was part of 
> uhttpd but we decided it belongs into a separate service
> [18:16:05] <jow_laptop> because the ubus-json-http bridge is just one of 
> various possible access methods for ubus
> [18:16:47] <jow_laptop> another theoretical access method would be a tcp 
> server directly speaking blobmsg, instead of using the json<>blobmsg 
> conversion with http as transport
> [18:17:00] <jow_laptop> that json+http approach was implemented to be browser 
> friendly
> [18:17:33] <jow_laptop> for native client applications, e.g. some Qt program 
> running on a mobile phone there'd be more efficient protocols, like plain tcp + 
> tls + blobmsg

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