[Nodeshot] Custom UI

Nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Wed Oct 24 14:25:59 CEST 2012

Hi dan,

have you been using git to log your changes so that you would be able to
merge future updates from the master repo eventually? If you look at the
dev branch there's already some recent fix.

Let's see the issues:

 1. if you go to the contact node form you'll notice a checkbox which
    doens't have any label. That is the "honeypot" and should not be
    displayed, css display:none is enough to fix it, better to do it in
    the css

 2. on the upper right corner the map and info jquery ui buttons are not
    working and two checkboxes are displayed instead. The info checkbox
    seems to not be working. Pheraphs in this case you could just hide them

 3. the hide column link has a strange animation, i don't know if that
    is intentional or not, but not a big issue

 4. the UI was design to adapt itself to the size of the window. After
    the header was added the UI is always slightly higher than the
    browser chrome window.

The only real issue that could cause problem is the n. 1, if the
honeypot is checked the system won't send the email.

If you have time to collaborate on git I'd be happy to change few things
in the 0.9.x version to make it possible to change/extend the UI without
compromising the possibility of pulling updates.
This way you could keep the modifications separate from the main code
and should be still able to pull updates or contribute to fixes.


Il 10/24/2012 04:59 AM, Dan Sup ha scritto:
> Hello,
> I am responding to nemisisdesign's request found here:
> http://www.reddit.com/r/darknetplan/comments/11q82v/project_meshnet_nodeshot_map/c6qgvui
> I have modified the Nodeshot ui in favor of bootstrap and have also
> removed some elements that we are not using yet.
> Please advise me of any errors or issues you have discovered.
> Cheers,
> Dan

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