[Nodeshot] Postgresql 9.3: schemaless JSON and FEDERATED DB

nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Wed Dec 25 20:16:34 CET 2013

 Hi everyone,

 I'm more convinced as ever that Postgresql is a great DB which assures 

 I have been successfully using its schemaless feature called HSTORE, i 
 have been heavily contributing to a django-app that adds support to this 

 Now this news has come out on heroku:

 I cite some passages:

 Federated DB
 Beyond the built in Postgres FDW available to all Heroku Postgres 9.3 
 users today, the API for foreign data wrappers now supports them writing 
 as well as reading data. This lays the groundwork for more powerful 
 wrappers to be built which in the future will enable Postgres to be a 
 fully federated database.
 We’ve already begun taking advantage of foreign data wrappers 
 internally at Heroku for reporting and look forward to hearing how you 
 take advantage of them yourselves.

 A more powerful JSON
 With version 9.2 we saw PostgreSQL get support for JSON starting on its 
 path of bridging the gap between the dynamics of schemaless databases 
 and the robustness of the traditional relational world. This support got 
 even richer by our addition of full Javascript support with the V8 
 engine inside Postgres. It continues to get even better today with more 
 built in functions and operators to make working with your JSON data 
 even easier.

 I wanted to share this news with you.

 Merry xmas!


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