[Nodeshot] Screenshots of several different combination

Nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Sun Nov 17 23:57:52 CET 2013

Hi everybody,

I wanted to share with you my latest work in the UX design process.

Here I have saved several different layoutand color combinations I have
beentrying in the last 2 weeks or so. The work is grouped in folders
named by date.

You will notice different logos and slightly different labels, don't pay
much attention to small details, because nodeshot is a flexible
application and can be configured to have different settings, so I'm
trying to show that many different combinations are possible.

I would like to get some feedback from you all.

Which combinations you like most?
Any comment or question?
Anything you don't like?
Any design or other mapping application to reccomend to check?

The ones I like more are the one I did today. Today Iam satisfied with
the result and I think Iam ready to go ahead with a clear idea of what I
want to achieve. But I'd like your feedback before going ahead.

Thank you

*ITALIAN PS: potete anche rispondere in italiano se preferite*
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