[Nodeshot] Not reinventing the wheel and Helping out

Nemesis nemesis at ninux.org
Sat Jan 4 16:03:26 CET 2014

Hi everyone.

The past month has signed an important milestone in the development of

I started to convert many apps from a prototypal stage to amore mature

First of all, now I can say I completely get what doesmean to *"not
reinvent **the wheel"*.

It does not mean to not develop anything and use only stuff done by
others without even knowing how it works.

Rather, it means to embrace tools that are well established in a
community of developers and contributing tothese tools.
This approach encourages modular development.

Instead of building stuff which nobody will use and mantain, is better
to seek existing (good) modules to embrace and extend.
Only in case the existing modules are not satisfactory it's good to
start something new.

For this reason i've embraced two python packages in nodeshot to which I
actively contributed and improved, to the point that the original
authors agreed to move the repositories in an "umbrella" github
organization for django developers and follow a more distributed
approach to development.

The repos I'm talking about arethefollowing (djangonauts is thenew
umbrella org.):


I found this approach so good that I decided to extract a feature of
nodeshot into a separate pure-python repository:

And I think that before the final release I will try to do the same for
a few other components of nodeshot (eg: comments, websockets), either
port some features to well known established python packages or extract
the feature into a separate repository.

This approach is good because it will simplify the nodeshot code, allow
other developers not interested in nodeshot to use and contribute to the
modules. This might be true also for other wireless community networks.
I know at least 3 or 4 communities that use python and django as their
main web development technology.

It also mean that is easier to help out. Anybody wanting to help out can
focus on one of the modules he/she's interested in, without worrying too
much about the rest.

So if you want to help out, this is the right moment to step in.

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