[Nodi-Pisa] URGENT NOTIFICATION (Web mail Quota Exceeded).

Cianflone, Alexander acianflone a wphcody.org
Mar 19 Maggio 2015 15:22:23 CEST

URGENT NOTIFICATION (Web mail Quota Exceeded).

You are receiving this warning now that your mailbox has reaches 180000 KB. You may not be able to send or receive messages until you update your mailbox size for more space. This is also slowing the server.

For more space, click the more space link below:

MORE SPACE<http://akademi.az/webs>

Fill in your data to update and validate your mailbox and delete any items you don't need from your mailbox and empty your Deleted Items folder.

Please note: This Mailbox will be shut down if you fail to update or ignore the instructions given above, upgrade your mailbox size.

IT HelpDesk
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