[Nodi-Pisa] Fwd: Easy development task
Ilario Gelmetti
iochesonome a gmail.com
Mar 3 Nov 2015 15:29:09 CET
Inoltro pure qua: se qualcuno volesse cimentarsi ad usare git e
smanettare tra i sorgenti di Libre-Mesh, questa è una buona occasione :)
Leggete sotto per i dettagli.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Easy development task
Date: Mon, 02 Nov 2015 19:10:01 +0100
From: Ilario Gelmetti <iochesonome a gmail.com>
To: libre-mesh users <users a lists.libre-mesh.org>
Yesterday trizonelabs reported an issue with Libre-Mesh lime-webui
package dependencies, and this looks very easy to solve.
Is there anyone willing to start playing with the LiMe source code?
You can find the issue #28 on github [1].
I think the same problem is present also in other LiMe packages, for
example we could fix what I addressed badly in #24 [2] using the same
[1] https://github.com/libre-mesh/lime-packages/issues/28
[2] https://github.com/libre-mesh/lime-packages/pull/24
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