[ninux-not-wireless] JavE (ASCII ART)
lux at ninux.org
Fri May 3 08:38:57 CEST 2013
A chi mi ha chiesto qual'era quel programma
che permette di fare editing evoluto di file
di testo per fare un po' di ASCII-ART..
_ _
.\_/. -=======================================- .\_/.
||a|| | JavE (Java Ascii Versatile Editor) | ||a||
`/_\' -=======================================- `/_\'
To install this software:
- Install a Java Runtime Environment 1.6 or greater
It can be downloaded for free from http://java.sun.com/getjava/
- Unpack the JavE download archive to a new folder.
It can be downloaded for free from http://www.jave.de/developer/jave_6.0_RC2.zip
To run the software:
- Double click on jave.jar or jave.bat in the installation folder
or start it from the command line using the command
java -jar jave.jar
For Questions:
- See the FAQ at http://www.jave.de/docs/faq.html
_( _) )
( ` ' )
/\- \
H o m e
H o m e
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