[ninux-not-wireless] Il pakistano che ha fatto un motore free energy e lancia una sfida agli ingegneri

Niccol� Avico niccolo at avico.it
Sat Mar 8 18:47:27 CET 2014

Io dico che se je appoggi 20 dollari te da pure la fontana de Trevi omaggio.

>----- Original Message -----
>From: enterprise.nx at gmail.com
>To: not-wireless at ml.ninux.org
>Data: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 17:13:44 +0100
>Subject: Re: [ninux-not-wireless] Il pakistano che ha fatto un motore free energy e lancia una sfida agli ingegneri

>Hash: SHA1
>Apparte che si vedono chiaramente dei montaggi video fra quando
>accende e spegne la macchina, che di per se sono strani.
>è un bufala solo perchè il tipo:
>1) non sta vendendo la macchina e non ha parlato di brevetti
>2) se non vuole far lucro perchè non mette gli schemi completi online?
>Il 08/03/2014 16:55, Alessandro Gubitosi ha scritto:
>> Ciao a tutti, vorrei condividere questo video: 
>> http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1f20wd_open-challenge-to-all-the-engineers-in-sha-allah-this-invention-will-change-the-world_tech?start=1
>>  A parte la sensazione che da un momento all'altro il tipo si
>> accenda insieme alle sue lampadine, mi viene da riflettere che
>> quello con mezzi spartanissimi ci è riuscito. Il più delle volte
>> che ne ho parlato con qualcuno veniva sempre fuori: "Ehhh non
>> funzionerebbe... Te pare che non sarebbe già stato fatto?" Bene
>> quello senza tante pippe e troppi calcoli ci si è messo e ha fatto 
>> un generatore free. Noi che abbiamo la microtecnologia, laboratori
>> e attrezzature più sofisticate che facciamo? Calcoli astratti (e
>> approssimati) per poter concludere che "non funzionerebbe".
>> Riporto il testo della sfida:
>>> "OPEN CHALLENGE TO ALL THE ENGINEERS One can imagine potential
>>> impact of this invention, what can this
>> technology do to help the mankind, how this machine can change the 
>> course of history, what reason would be left for anyone to go to
>> war with any country, no need to hold water & barren other
>> country's land just to generate electricity.
>>> In this video "Current Control Coil" is used to control the
>>> RPMs. This machine does not violate the "Law of Conservation", if
>>> anyone
>> thinks it does so then come up with logical query, we would love
>> to clarify that.
>>> The reason to post this video is not to mock anyone but to
>>> challenge
>> the engineers who think that such electricity generating machine
>> can't be made using this theory, general public has to wait when
>> this product hits the market.
>>> basic reason to post this video is also to prove that using this
>> theory actually without any external source electric energy can be 
>> generated through this machine.
>>> To save the precious time we'll ask the person who wants to visit
>>> us
>> some questions about the basic concept of this technology to
>> verify one's engineering skills, upon giving us the satisfactory
>> answers we'll allow the person to see the machine.
>>> This machine is being manufactured in 3, 5, 10, 20 Kilo Watts & 5
>>> Mega
>> Watts, and using the same mechanism engine of at least 1000cc upto 
>> 4000cc can be run in the cars also.
>>> We offer all and sundry, who has any knowledge about these
>>> machines,
>> to come and see the demonstration by themselves, so if there is any
>> iota of doubt is there , it must get washed away.
>>> yes off course,this is the experimental unit and place,the
>>> production
>> we launching in market would be shielded and upto the required
>> standard approved by our Q,C dept.
>>> .The Magnets used in it are guaranteed not to lose their
>>> magnetism in
>> 36,000 hours if used in the way they are adjusted in this machine .
>> The total number of magnets are 182 which are closely spaced but do
>> not come into direct contact with each other and therefore do not
>> lose their magnetism in 36,000 hours.Associated electricity
>> generating dynamo runs at 80 to 150 rpm to produce 3.5 KW. If
>> increased to 300 to 750 rpm with a better dynamo it can produce 5
>> MW using better copper, steal and magnets. It will require 4
>> windings per MW.It produces pure sinewave AC current through
>> auto-control kit.It requires low maintenance which would only be
>> required for bearings only after one year of continuous working. 
>> The cost of maintenance is very low and is less than 5-7 percent of
>> the price of the machine after 5 years which will be readily 
>> affordable.Using the same technology, a specially designed magnet 
>> machine for the car is under process that will be able to run
>> 1000cc to 4000cc engine for 24000 hrs without loosing any magnetic
>> power. The maintenance of the magnet machine in the car would also
>> be low and lower than an ordinary other engine and can be managed
>> by an ordinary mechanic.
>>> +92-300-6708350 +92-336-4152019 WASIF KAHLOON...."
>> Gubi
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