[ninux-not-wireless] 34C3 talk: Organisational Structures for Sustainable Free Software Development

Germano Massullo germano.massullo at gmail.com
Fri Jan 12 17:11:56 CET 2018

Un talk interessante circa la sostenibilità delle organizzazioni che
operano nel mondo del Software Libero.
Al talk sono stati concessi solamente 30 minuti contro i quasi 60
preventivati. In ogni caso lo speaker ha lasciato innumerevoli
riferimenti utili da andare a leggere

What kind of organisational structures exist for free software projects?
What funding sources? How can you avoid pitfalls with funding, support
volunteers, and stay a happy family?

We will look at various options for structuring projects on an
organisational level, the protections (and dangers) of legal entities,
and the difficulties of meeting the expectations of financial backers
while keeping the volunteers and the community alive. Moritz will draw
from his experience with dozens of Free Software projects and funding
sources, both from the perspective of a funder and as recipient of
grants, contracts and donations.

video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVdRMQsMkgc
descrizione e risorse varie

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