[ninux-research] [ninux-roma] Analisi fra correlazione di etx e RTT
Alessandro Gnagni
alessandro at gnagni.it
Wed Jun 11 19:06:49 CEST 2014
Ok, essenzialmente io ho tutti dati divisi in 3 categorie:
- i ping sono uno per ogni test raggruppati nelle cartelle per
destinazione annidate in quelle per sorgente
- ho i traceroute ma per ora non li ho ancora utilizzati
- ho i file topologia di olsrd presi dal jsoninfo.
Ognuno di questi test viene eseguito e poi salvato ogni minuto, quindi
ho i file tutti "ammucchiati" nelle singole cartelle.
ecco lo script che lancio per ogni sorgente:
# ./exec_scripts.sh ip_s
mkdir -p ../path_sum/$1/
mkdir -p ../ping/$1/
mkdir -p ../timestamp/$1/
for i in $(ls -d */ | grep -v -i "olsr" | rev | cut -c 2- | rev); do
../ping_sum_minimum_rtt.sh "$i/ping" > ../ping/$1/"$1-$i.ping"
../path_cost.sh olsr $1 $i > ../path_sum/$1/"$1-$i.path_sum"
../timestamp_extract.sh ../path/$1 > ../timestamp/$1/"$1-$i.timestamp"
gli script che eseguo sono 3 per generare i dati per plottare:
- uno mi genera i valori dei ping:
for f in $1/*.log; do
EPOCH=$(cat $f | awk --re-interval '/^[0-9]{5,}/ {print $NF}')
pinglog="$pinglog$(cat $f | nawk -F'[ =]' -v e=$EPOCH '/64 bytes/
{s=$6+e; print s " " $10}')"
echo "$pinglog" | awk 'BEGIN {min_timestamp=0; last_timestamp=0;
min_value=99999} {if ($1-last_timestamp > 30) {if (min_value != 99999)
{print min_timestamp, min_value}; min_value=$2; min_timestamp=$1}; if
($2 < min_value) {min_timestamp=$1; min_value=$2}; last_timestamp=$1}'
- uno il costo in etx sfruttando uno script in python:
# usage: path_compare.sh path/ source destination > ........
for f in $1/*.log; do
echo -n "." 1>&2
pathcost=$(python2.7 ./find_olsr4_path.py $f $2 $3 | awk
'function isnum(x){return(x==x+0)} {if (isnum($1)) {pathcost += $1}} END
{print pathcost}')
echo "$(basename $f | cut -d "-" -f3 | cut -d "." -f1) $pathcost"
- il terzo mi dovrebbe generare dei timestamp quando viene rilevata una
variazione nei traceroute, ci sto ancora lavorando.
Ti ho allegato il file in python, è stato fatto da clauz.
Il 11/06/2014 17:08, Alessandro Gnagni ha scritto:
> Ecco, appena ho un attimo di tempo ti scrivo qualcosa.
> In questo momento sono un attimo impicciato a casa.
> Il 11/06/2014 16:39, Leonardo ha scritto:
>> On 06/11/2014 04:32 PM, Alessandro Gnagni wrote:
>>> Il 11/06/2014 16:30, Leonardo ha scritto:
>>>> ma figurati. se ti metti ora a fare lo stesso algorithmo in python,
>>>> senza averci mai programmato, tra mezz'ora hai finito. Un'ora tiè.. :-)
>>>> poi però il tmepo lo riguadagni in esecuzione...
>>>> ciao,
>>>> leonardo.
>>> Non saprei neanche da dove cominciare. Python mi aiuterebbe anche perchè
>>> una parte dello script è in python, quello per il calcolo dell'etx
>> se mi scrivi un algoritmo a parole ti aiuto... ci spostiamo su
>> ninux-research?
-------------- next part --------------
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# vim:ts=2:expandtab
# Copyright 2013 Claudio Pisa (clauz at ninux dot org)
# This file is part of find_olsr_path
# find_olsr_path is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# find_olsr_path is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with find_olsr_path. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import networkx as nx
import urllib2
import sys
import json
verbose = False
def printout(string):
if verbose:
print string
class InvalidOlsrJsonException(Exception):
class oneWayLink():
"a one-way OLSR link"
def __init__(self, linkDict=None):
if linkDict == None:
if not linkDict.has_key('destinationIP') or not linkDict.has_key('lastHopIP') or not linkDict.has_key('linkQuality') or not linkDict.has_key('neighborLinkQuality') or not linkDict.has_key('tcEdgeCost'):
raise InvalidOlsrJsonException
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.__dict__)
def aliased_link(self, destination, lasthop):
"return a copy of the link with changed IP addresses"
a = oneWayLink()
a.destinationIP = destination
a.lastHopIP = lasthop
return a
class Hna():
"an OLSR HNA entry"
def __init__(self, linkDict):
if linkDict == None:
if not linkDict.has_key('destination') or not linkDict.has_key('genmask') or not linkDict.has_key('gateway'):
raise InvalidOlsrJsonException
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.__dict__)
def __dotted_decimal_2_int(self, ip_address):
dotteddecimals = ip_address.split('.')
bip = 0
for d in dotteddecimals:
i = int(d)
bip = bip << 8
bip += i
return bip
def ip_in_net(self, ip_address):
"return True iff ip_address belongs to this HNA"
bip = self.__dotted_decimal_2_int(ip_address)
bnet = self.__dotted_decimal_2_int(self.destination)
l = self.genmask
bmask = int("0b" + "1" * l + "0" * (32-l), 2)
return bip & bmask == bnet
class OlsrTopology():
"an OLSR topology"
linklist = []
addressset = set()
aliasdict = {}
hnalist = []
def __init__(self, urlorfile):
self.urlorfile = urlorfile
def get_from_jsoninfo(self, urlappend):
if self.urlorfile.startswith("http:"):
# download
fno = urllib2.urlopen(self.urlorfile + urlappend, timeout=180)
fno = open(self.urlorfile)
json_topology = ("".join(fno.readlines())).strip()
# workaround for a bug in some versions of the jsoninfo plug-in
if json_topology[0] != "{":
json_topology = "{" + json_topology
return json_topology
def update_topology(self):
json_topology = self.get_from_jsoninfo("/all")
topolist = json.loads(json_topology)['topology']
# check for asymmetric links
tmplinklist = [oneWayLink(ld) for ld in topolist]
self.linklist = []
for link in tmplinklist:
reverselinks = [lnk for lnk in tmplinklist if lnk.destinationIP == link.lastHopIP and lnk.lastHopIP == link.destinationIP]
assert len(reverselinks) == 1
# add ourselves to the graph
mainaddr = json.loads(json_topology)['config']['mainIpAddress']
directlinklist = json.loads(json_topology)['links']
for dl in directlinklist:
# direct link
owl1 = oneWayLink()
owl1.lastHopIP = mainaddr
owl1.destinationIP = dl['remoteIP']
owl1.linkQuality = dl['linkQuality']
owl1.neighborLinkQuality = dl['neighborLinkQuality']
owl1.tcEdgeCost = dl['linkCost']
# reverse link
owl2 = oneWayLink()
owl2.lastHopIP = owl1.destinationIP
owl2.destinationIP = owl1.lastHopIP
owl2.linkQuality = owl1.neighborLinkQuality
owl2.neighborLinkQuality = owl1.linkQuality
owl2.tcEdgeCost = owl1.tcEdgeCost
self.addressset = set([lnk.destinationIP for lnk in self.linklist] + [lnk.lastHopIP for link in self.linklist])
def update_mids(self):
json_mids = self.get_from_jsoninfo("/all")
aliaslist = json.loads(json_mids)['mid']
for aliasdef in aliaslist:
self.aliasdict[aliasdef['ipAddress']] = [ alias['ipAddress'] for alias in aliasdef['aliases'] ]
interfacelist = json.loads(json_mids)['interfaces']
if len(interfacelist) < 2:
mainaddr = json.loads(json_mids)['config']['mainIpAddress']
self.aliasdict[mainaddr] = []
for interface in interfacelist:
ipaddr = interface['ipv4Address']
if mainaddr != ipaddr:
def update_hnas(self):
json_hnas = self.get_from_jsoninfo("/all")
hnalist = json.loads(json_hnas)['hna']
for hna in hnalist:
localhnalist = json.loads(json_hnas)['config']['hna']
for hna in localhnalist:
def update_gateways(self):
json_hnas = self.get_from_jsoninfo("/all")
hnalist = json.loads(json_hnas)['hna']
localhnalist = json.loads(json_hnas)['config']['hna']
self.gatewaylist = [hna['gateway'] for hna in hnalist + localhnalist if hna['destination'] == ""]
def is_gateway(self, address):
return address in self.gatewaylist
def getAliases(self, addr):
if self.aliasdict.has_key(addr):
return self.aliasdict[addr]
return []
def getHnaGateway(self, addr):
"""if the IP address belongs to an HNA then return the IP address
of the node announcing the HNA. Else return addr."""
gwresult = addr
gwmask = 0
for hna in self.hnalist:
if hna.genmask > gwmask and hna.ip_in_net(addr):
gwresult = hna.gateway
mask = hna.genmask
return gwresult
def getMainAddress(self, addr):
if self.aliasdict.has_key(addr):
return addr
for mainaddr, aliases in self.aliasdict.iteritems():
for alias in aliases:
if alias == addr:
return mainaddr
# assume it is a main address with no aliases (i.e. the only OLSR IP address of the node)
return addr
def __loadG(self, u_source, u_destination):
self.G = nx.DiGraph()
self.G.add_weighted_edges_from([(link.lastHopIP, link.destinationIP, 1 / (link.linkQuality * link.neighborLinkQuality)) for link in self.linklist])
#G.add_weighted_edges_from([(link.lastHopIP, link.destinationIP, link.tcEdgeCost) for link in self.linklist])
source = self.getMainAddress(u_source)
if source == u_source:
source = self.getHnaGateway(u_source)
if source != u_source:
printout( "Source %s is in an HNA. Using %s for path computation." % (u_source, source))
self.G.add_weighted_edges_from([(u_source, source, 0)])
source = u_source
destination = self.getMainAddress(u_destination)
if destination == u_destination:
destination = self.getHnaGateway(u_destination)
if destination != u_destination:
printout( "Destination %s is in an HNA. Using %s for path computation." % (u_destination, destination))
self.G.add_weighted_edges_from([(destination, u_destination, 0)])
destination = u_destination
return (source, destination)
def get_etx(self, u_source, u_destination):
source, destination = self.__loadG(u_source, u_destination)
if source in self.G.nodes() and destination in self.G.nodes():
return nx.dijkstra_path_length(self.G, source, destination)
elif source in self.G.nodes():
# find the closest gateway
closestgw = None
cost = 0
for gw in self.gatewaylist:
splen = nx.shortest_path_length(self.G, source, gw)
if splen > cost:
cost = splen
closestgw = gw
if closestgw:
printout( "Warning: using gateway %s" % (closestgw,))
return nx.dijkstra_path_length(self.G, source, closestgw)
return 1.0
return 1.0
def get_shortest_path(self, u_source, u_destination):
source, destination = self.__loadG(u_source, u_destination)
if source in self.G.nodes() and destination in self.G.nodes():
return nx.dijkstra_path(self.G, source, destination)
elif source in self.G.nodes():
# find the closest gateway
closestgw = None
cost = 0
for gw in self.gatewaylist:
splen = nx.shortest_path_length(self.G, source, gw)
if splen > cost:
cost = splen
closestgw = gw
if closestgw:
printout( "Warning: using gateway %s" % (closestgw,))
return nx.dijkstra_path(self.G, source, closestgw)
return None
return None
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print "Usage: %s <url or file> <source> <destination>"
urlorfile = sys.argv[1]
src = sys.argv[2]
dst = sys.argv[3]
t = OlsrTopology(urlorfile)
path = t.get_shortest_path(src, dst)
if path == None or len(path) < 1:
printout( "No path found. Please check the script parameters")
previoushop = None
for hop in path:
if previoushop != None:
print "%.3f\t" % t.get_etx(previoushop, hop),
print "\t",
print hop,
aliases = t.getAliases(hop)
if len(aliases) < 1:
print ""
print "\t (" + ", ".join(aliases) + ")"
previoushop = hop
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