[ninux-research] Fwd: Cloudy first stable release!

Claudio Pisa clauz at ninux.org
Wed Apr 1 14:48:36 CEST 2015


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Cloudy first stable release!
Date: 	Sun, 29 Mar 2015 18:48:56 +0200
From: 	Conxuro <conxuro at gmail.com>
Reply-To: 	cloudy-users at llistes.guifi.net
To: 	cloudy-users at llistes.guifi.net

We are proud to announce the first release of a stable version of Cloudy!

As you know, Cloudy is a distribution based on Debian GNU/Linux
developed under the CLOMMUNITY project <http://clommunity-project.eu/>.

This distro is inspired in the idea of the old Guinux
<http://guifi.net/node/29320>, made to facilitate the deployment,
management and share of network cloud services. It's intended especially
for the community network users.


*How to get started*

Firstly you can get an ISO image in the Download section
<http://cloudy.community/download/> or you can generate it directly from
the sources. Then, you only have to install it booting this image like
another Linux distribution.

In the Get started section <http://cloudy.community/get-started/> you
have all the information you need to start with Cloudy; i.e. how to get
it, how to install and update the system, and the first steps once it's



Cloudy it's a FLOSS Linux distribution, it means that is made by and for
the community, and you can contribute freely to it, not only directly in
the development but giving feedback and collaborate with the developers.

Therefore, in the Contribute section
<http://cloudy.community/contribute/>, you will find how to:

  * Get the code to contribute in the development.
  * Report bugs in the issue track.
  * Give feedback or ask whatever you want related to Cloudy within the
    mailing lists.


We hope that you will enjoy Cloudy and you get benefit from it in your
network services deployments.

The Cloudy Team.

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