[ninux-research] Aggiornamento massivo dei nodi CONFINE

Claudio Pisa clauz at ninux.org
Tue Oct 20 16:59:44 CEST 2015

Per fare in modo che Community-Lab/CONFINE continui a funzionare bisogna
fare l'upgrade del sistema operativo su tutti i NUC alla versione

Chi puo' provveda da se', se serve aiuto contattatemi e per chi vuole ci
penso io! Vi ricordo che un po' di documentazione in merito si trova qui:


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: [Confine-wp3] Status of massive node upgrade
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 11:35:05 +0200
From: Ivan Vilata i Balaguer <ivan at pangea.org>
To: confine-wp3 at confine-project.eu


For other CNs, please confirm whether the upgrade is ongoing or outdated
nodes are going to be dropped or deleted.  Current upgrade ratios for
CNs in greatest need of work are:

  - Funkfeuer:        0/28 ( 0%, 28 pending)
  - ninux.org:        1/23 ( 4%, 22 pending)
  - Guifi.net:       21/42 (50%, 21 pending)
  - UPC:             28/45 (62%, 17 pending)
  - AWMN:            30/39 (77%,  9 pending)
  - Wireless Belgiƫ:  0/ 6 ( 0%,  6 pending)
  - fed4fire:         0/ 1 ( 0%,  1 pending)

Let me stress once more that nodes not up to date will stop working when
the Controller is upgraded to the stable 1.x version, so please upgrade
as many nodes as you can and delete (or set to FAILURE) nodes which
should be retired.

Thanks and cheers,
Ivan Vilata i Balaguer
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