[Ninux-Verona] Fwd: Google Summer of Code 2015
Ilario Gelmetti
ilario.gelmetti at sns.it
Tue Oct 7 14:51:02 CEST 2014
Vi segnalo con ampio anticipo una interessante opportunita` per studenti
universitari per la prossima estate: partecipare al Google Summer of
Code 2015.
Si tratta di un premio in denaro (5k dollah = parecchi parecchi ssoldi)
dato agli studenti universitari che durante l'estate collaborino con un
progetto open source programmando (magari facessero tutti cosi` per
pulire l'immagine aziendale!). Non e` pensato solo per programmatori,
dunque viene valutato positivamente anche se la qualita` del codice non
e` a livello professionistico.
Lo scorso anno Ninux ha partecipato all'interno del guppo di Freifunk
(storica community wireless berlinese).
Qui trovate un po' dei progetti che sono stati finanziati gli scorsi anni:
e qui la raccolta delle idee di progetti (alcune gia` realizzate)
riguardanti le community wireless:
Le borse di google non sono le uniche di questo genere, so anche di
borse dell'Agenzia Spaziale Europea (ESA): le borse SOCIS.
-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: Google Summer of Code 2015
Data: Mon, 6 Oct 2014 10:08:49 -0700
Mittente: 'Carol Smith' via Google Summer of Code Students List
<google-summer-of-code-students-list at googlegroups.com>
Rispondi-a: carols at google.com
A: GSoC students <google-summer-of-code-students-list at googlegroups.com>
Hi GSoC students,
We are proud to announce
that we are holding Google Summer of Code
<http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/homepage/google/gsoc2015> again in 2015.
If you would like to help spread the word about GSoC, we
have presentations
logos <https://developers.google.com/open-source/soc/resources/logos>,
and flyers
<https://developers.google.com/open-source/soc/resources/flyers> for you
to use. Please host meetups, tell your friends and colleagues about the
program, go to conferences, talk to people about the program, and just
generally do all the awesome word-of-mouth stuff you do every year to
promote the program.
The GSoC calendar, FAQ
and events timeline
<http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/events/google/gsoc2015> have all
been updated with this year's important dates, so please refer to those
for the milestones for this year's program.
Please consider translating the presentations
and/or flyers
<https://developers.google.com/open-source/soc/resources/flyers> into
your native language and submitting them directly to me to post on
the wiki. Localization for our material is integral to reaching the
widest possible audience around the world. If you decide to translate
a flyer, please fill out our form
to request a thank you gift for your effort.
If you decide to host a meetup, please email me to at least 3
weeks before the meetup to let me know the date, time, and location so I
can put it on the GSoC calendar. Also, remember to take pictures at
your meetup and write up a blog post for our blog. If you need
promotional items for your attendees, please fill out our form
to request some; we're happy to send some along, but you need to give us
a minimum of 3 weeks prior to your event. We can provide up to about 25
pens, notebooks, or stickers and/or a few t-shirts. Please keep in mind,
though, that shipping restrictions and timeline vary country-to-country;
request items early to make sure they get there on time! If you have
questions about hosting meetups, please see the section in our FAQ
Please consider applying to participate as a student again this year or
maybe joining as a mentor for your favorite organization if they are
selected this year.
And for those of you with younger siblings, family members,
friends, etc. that are 13-17 year old pre-university students please let
them know about Google Code-in
<https://developers.google.com/open-source/gci/> which is a fun contest
introducing the younger students to open source software. It begins 1
We rely on you for your help for the success of this program, so
thank you in advance for all the work you do!
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