[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: Sign the petition: protect the freedom to read, end DRM on books.

paolo delbene id3rfix a gmail.com
Mar 4 Ago 2009 02:55:18 CEST

Sign the petition, take action!


Amazon's recent remote deletion of 1984 and Animal Farm struck a nerve.
There was something so undeniably creepy about a company entering hundreds
of virtual bookshelves in the middle of the night and deleting "1984" (of
all books!).

But the real issue here isn't just remote deletion, it's DRM.  As long as
Amazon uses digital restrictions, they will continue to control what people
can do with their ebooks--and that's unacceptable.  Defective by Design has
just launched a petition to demand that Amazon drop DRM and insist that
until they do, the 'Swindle' (our name for the 'Kindle') remains a threat to
the free exchange of ideas.

Can you sign?  And most importantly, can you take a few minutes to share it
with your network?


The petition has been signed by notable authors, scholars and libarians,
including Lawrence Lessig, Cory Doctorow and Clay Shirky.  The text reads:

"We believe in a way of life based on the free exchange of ideas, in which
books have and will continue to play a central role. Devices like Amazon's
are trying to determine how people will interact with books, but Amazon's
use of DRM to control and monitor users and their books constitutes a clear
threat to the free exchange of ideas.

"That is why we readers, authors, publishers, and librarians demand that
Amazon remove all DRM, including any ability to control or access the user's
library, from the Kindle.

"Amazon's assurances that it will refrain from the worst abuses of this
power do not address the problem. Amazon should not have this power in the
first place. Until they give it up they will be tempted to use it, or they
could be forced to by governments or narrow private interests. Whatever
Amazon's reasons for imposing this control may be, they are not as important
as the public's freedom to use books without interference or supervision."

We need to remind the world that Jeff Bezos's apology isn't enough, because
it doesn't address the root problem, DRM.


Thanks for all you do,

John, Sarah, Matt, Holmes, Peter
DRM Elimination Team
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