[Ninux-Wireless] apt-get install kismet
paolo delbene
id3rfix a gmail.com
Sab 2 Maggio 2009 11:36:47 CEST
ho provato ad installare kismet da shell
apt-get install kismet e ricevo il seguente output sullo
Suid priv-dropping disabled. This may not be secure.
No specific sources given to be enabled, all will be enabled.
Non-RFMon VAPs will be destroyed on multi-vap interfaces (ie, madwifi-ng)
Enabling channel hopping.
Enabling channel splitting.
NOTICE: Disabling channel hopping, no enabled sources are able to change
Source 0 (addme): Opening none source interface none...
FATAL: Please configure at least one packet source. Kismet will not
function if no packet sources are defined in kismet.conf or on the command
line. Please read the README for more information about configuring Kismet.
Kismet exiting.
perchè ?
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