[Ninux-Wireless] Materassi gonfiabili per Ninux Day
lil_o a fastwebnet.it
Sab 21 Nov 2009 00:38:18 CET
mi ha contattato una persona del partito pirata tedesco. sarĂ a roma i
primi di dicembre e mi chiedeva un incontro e se avessi qualcosa di
interessante da suggerirgli.
gli ho lasciato qualche link tra cui ninux e qui la sua mail:
Teukan Groefaz <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=598164014>
November 20 at 1:00am
this sounds good great. i visited the ninux site and we are working on
the same topic in aquisgrana. there is a project that is called "mobile
access" and they want to build a free wifi network in the city center.
we just supported a petition of the social democrats in aquisgrana so
that the city is opening their access points to contribute to the
network. the goal is to connect access points of the university, the
city, local businesses, one wifi provider and households to form a free
wifi network in the city. so i think it is very similar to ur project.
have fun in roma it is the most beautiful city in the world, that is why
i keep coming back every year.(and i travelled a lot :-))
abbraccio marc
io ora sono a savona, ma a roma ci vengo ogni tanto. se vi va pensavo di
combinare un giovedi e portarlo al fusolab.
se per caso avete qualcosa in mente dal 3 al 10 dicembre me lo postate?
ciao. ale
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