[Ninux-Wireless] problem with big integer on openwrt
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Gio 15 Lug 2010 12:15:34 CEST
On 07/15/2010 12:01 PM, Gioacchino Mazzurco wrote:
> The problem is not Openwrt but awk that cannot handle big number on small
> device :(
> bash can than i fixed with this
> printf "%d\n" $(( (`echo "" | awk -F\. '{printf "%d",
> ($4)}'`)+ (256*`echo "" | awk -F\. '{printf "%d", ($3)}'`) +
> (256*256*`echo "" | awk -F\. '{printf "%d", ($2)}'`) +
> (256*256*256*`echo "" | awk -F\. '{printf "%d", ($4)}'`) ))
Also, Try this command:
echo "" | awk -F\. '{printf
$4"+"$3"*"256"+"$2"*256*256+"$1"*256*256*256\n"}' | bc
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