[Ninux-Wireless] babel dual stack + mdns ?
Gioacchino Mazzurco
gmazzurco89 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 00:05:01 UTC 2011
Primo firmware autoconfigurante babel made in Pisa :D ancora ho da
capire tante cose ma la cosa bella e' che gia attaccando la prina dopo
avrli flashati col frimware i nodi parlano e si vedono :D
qui ci sono le immagini gia pronte ( quelle per ar7xx di solito sono
outdated ) http://eigenlab.org/~gioacchino/openwrt/backbabel
mentre qui c'e' il branch del firmware pisano con babel gia' pronto
2011/2/23 Gioacchino Mazzurco <gmazzurco89 a gmail.com>:
> capista!
> mrd6 occupa il doppio di memoria rispetto a olsrd!! Dite che non e'
> problematico?
> tra l'altro mrd6sh che viene installato non serve su openwrt perche e'
> uno script perl
> Mem: 10092K used, 3472K free, 0K shrd, 880K buff, 2864K cached
> CPU: 0% usr 1% sys 0% nic 97% idle 0% io 0% irq 0% sirq
> Load average: 0.03 0.07 0.08 1/24 757
> 652 1 root R 1504 11% 1% olsrd -d 0
> 757 723 root R 1360 10% 1% top
> 662 1 root S 1356 10% 1% telnetd -l /bin/login.sh
> 752 1 root S 2732 20% 0% /usr/sbin/mrd6 -f /etc/mrd6.conf -D
> 2011/2/23 Gioacchino Mazzurco <gmazzurco89 a gmail.com>:
>> Ok very thanks i have found mrd6 but it do multicast routing in user
>> space not in kernel ( do you think this will cause a notable
>> performance degradation? ) and support only ipv6 ( this isn't a big
>> problem in our network ;) )
>> In the evening i was trying to package babelz for openwrt but seems
>> openwrt build-system doesn't support well darcs...
>> Can you host babelz also on git or switch completely to git :P,
>> "scherzi a parte", there is a way to have a synchronized git babelz
>> repository?
>> more questions:
>> I see the -T option is very cool I have only a doubt on this, babelz
>> read the specified routing table only at babelz start or there is some
>> kind of updating ( for example read the routing table every five
>> minutes )?
>> 2011/2/22 Juliusz Chroboczek <jch a pps.jussieu.fr>:
>>>> I am doing some testing with babel should i use babeld or babelz ?
>>> Babelz should be stable now. Note that by default, babelz behaves just
>>> like babeld -- you need a ``-z'' flag to get it to take diversity into
>>> account.
>>> --Juliusz
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