[Ninux-Wireless] MprCoverage
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clauz a ninux.org
Ven 18 Mar 2011 23:49:06 CET
On 03/18/2011 11:43 PM, ZioPRoTo (Saverio Proto) wrote:
>> il parametro MprCoverage del olsr come incide in pratica sulle
>> prestazioni di una rete wireless mesh.
>> in pratica è preferibile mantenere una valore alto o basso, o dipende
>> dalla topologia?
> guarda, devi metterlo a 7
> come puoi leggere qui:
> http://goo.gl/FibRh
C'e' qualcosa anche qui:
What we did:
* Disable hysteresis.
* Disable MPRs - all nodes forward topology information.
Now almost everything that was meant to optimize Link State Routing was
disabled - a simple proactive link-state routing protocol with support
for multiple interfaces was all that was left. We started to deploy OLSR
in the Freifunk Mesh in Berlin - rather we should have named it LSR back
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