[Ninux-Wireless] Alice Gate 2 Plus Wi-Fi

Marco Giuntini marco.giuntini a gmail.com
Dom 20 Mar 2011 09:54:24 CET

Ieri mi sono messo a giocare con un router Alice Gate 2 Plus [0], modello precedente all'AGV2+.
Sono entrato tramite seriale e ho effettuato la procedura di caricamento del firmware di Openwrt.
Provando a caricare questo immagine http://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/trunk/brcm63xx/openwrt-AGV2+W-jffs2-128k-cfe.bin
ottengo un errore CRC, molto probabilmente dovuto alla differenza tra le CPU.
Di seguito riporto l'output della seriale dopo il flash dell'immagine.

CFE version 1.0.37-3.1 P12 for BCM96348 (32bit,SP,BE)
Build Date: mar set 26 15:13:11 CEST 2006 (root a RanmaLinux)
Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Broadcom Corporation.

Boot Address 0xbf000000

Initializing Arena.
Initializing Devices.
Parallel flash device: name AM29LV640MT, id 0x2201, size 8192KB
CPU type 0x29107: 256MHz, Bus: 128MHz, Ref: 32MHz
Total memory: 16777216 bytes (16MB)

Total memory used by CFE:  0x80401000 - 0x80525DD0 (1199568)
Initialized Data:          0x8041D5E0 - 0x8041F560 (8064)
BSS Area:                  0x8041F560 - 0x80423DD0 (18544)
Local Heap:                0x80423DD0 - 0x80523DD0 (1048576)
Stack Area:                0x80523DD0 - 0x80525DD0 (8192)
Text (code) segment:       0x80401000 - 0x8041D5D8 (116184)
Boot area (physical):      0x00526000 - 0x00566000
Relocation Factor:         I:00000000 - D:00000000

Board IP address                  :
Host IP address                   :
Gateway IP address                :
Run from flash/host (f/h)         : f
Default host run file name        : vmlinux
Default host flash file name      : bcm963xx_fs_kernel
Boot delay (0-9 seconds)          : 1
Board Id Name                     : AliceAGW2+
Psi size in KB                    : 24
Number of MAC Addresses (1-32)    : 11
Base MAC Address                  : 02:10:18:01:00:01
Ethernet PHY Type                 : Internal
Memory size in MB                 : 16

*** Press any key to stop auto run (1 seconds) ***
Auto run second count down: 0
Code Address: 0x2FF68DF7, Entry Address: 0xa1a6c385
8192 size flash memory detected
Image crc failed ..CRC Calculated: 89ED4B6 - CRC embedded 5F5481B4 [ imageSizeSum 3276548 - imageSizeEmbedded 3276548 ]
 Illegal image ! Image crc failed. or corrupted image
web info: Waiting for connection on socket 0.

Che ne pensate? Potrebbe essere fattibile flashare openwrt anche su questo apparato?



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