[Ninux-Wireless] Windows 7 Virtual Wifi AP mode

Antonio Quartulli ordex a autistici.org
Ven 7 Dic 2012 15:27:23 CET

Avran tutti copiato da Linux :-P


On Fri, Dec 07, 2012 at 02:59:26 +0100, Saverio Proto wrote:
>    Mac OS X lo fa da una vita, almeno da quando io ho il Mac ovvero il 2006
>    Saverio
>    2012/12/7 Pierluigi Checchi <p.checchi a ieee.org>
>      E' possibile far sANOT che un PC con Windows 7 possa funzionare da AP
>      (non ad-hoc, ma in MASTER mode, un AP vero e proprio) in maniera molto
>      semplice:
>      Windows 7 has a feature called "VirtualWifi". It allows you to split
>      your WLAN access in Windows 7 on your Laptop or PC and to act like an
>      accesspoint for other Laptops, so you can share your internet
>      connection.
>           Enable VirtualWifi                                                 
>         You must run a command line with admin rights.A                      
>      1. Type in:A                                                            
>         netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="MySSID" key="Mykey"    
>         keyUsage=persistent                                                  
>         Leave the commanline-window open                                     
>           Check the new virtual wifi adaptor                                 
>         Go to your Device Manager and check if you see a "Microsoft Virtual  
>      2. Wifi Miniport Adaptor" when expand the network adaptors.             
>         If you check your wireless network cards in your network and sharing 
>         center youA'll see a second wireless network connection.             
>           Start the virtual network card                                     
>      3.                                                                      
>         Go back to the admin-rights command shell and type in:A              
>         netsh wlan start hostednetwork                                       
>   Conclusion
>      With just a few steps you can make your Laptop or PC act like an
>      wifi-accesspoint for friends or colleagues in a hotel or a at a
>      conference.
>      You can disable this feature by typing in "netsh wlan stop
>      hostednetwork" at a commandline window with administrator rights.
>      _______________________________________________
>      Wireless mailing list
>      Wireless a ml.ninux.org
>      http://ml.ninux.org/mailman/listinfo/wireless

> _______________________________________________
> Wireless mailing list
> Wireless a ml.ninux.org
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Antonio Quartulli

..each of us alone is worth nothing..
Ernesto "Che" Guevara
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