[Ninux-Wireless] USRP
yamacorp a gmail.com
Sab 10 Ago 2013 18:41:23 CEST
What makes HackRF unique is the fact that the stand alone unit can operate
between 30 MHz and 6 GHz; a frequency range substantially wider than any
SDR currently on the market. Indeed, when combined with the Ham It Up
converter <http://www.passion-radio.com/radio-sdr/44-ham-it-up.html>, the
HackRF will also cover HF bands and lower.
On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 11:59 PM, Giuseppe De Marco <peppelinux a yahoo.it>wrote:
> sembra che le SDR stiano esplodendo...
> http://www.epiqsolutions.com/matchstiq/
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