[Ninux-Wireless] [ninux-roma] Nuove policy SDK AirOS

Alessandro Gnagni enterprise.nx a gmail.com
Gio 3 Gen 2013 16:45:31 CET

In effetti รจ un comportamento parecchio fastidioso, e cozza molto con
l'uso che ne fa ninux per non parlare dei principi...
Provare a discuterne con loro credete non sia il caso?

Il 03/01/2013 15.58, Saverio Proto ha scritto:
> Spero vivamente che facciano marcia indietro perche' con queste policy
> penso proprio che non perdero' piu' tempo a lavorare sull'SDK di
> AirOS.
> http://www.ubnt.com/sdkrequest
> Ubiquiti SDK packages are now digitally signed and distributed
> individually to customers upon request. In order to gain access to an
> SDK, each customer must complete the following form. Upon completion,
> Ubiquiti will review the form, and once approved, the customer will
> receive an email with a digitally signed SDK package that is unique to
> that customer. The SDK must be used only for that customer, and may
> not be distributed or shared with others.
> SDK Usage Rules
> 1. The software may only be used with Ubiquiti hardware
> 2. Copyright information may not be removed from the SDK
> 3. The SDK may not be shared with other individuals/companies
> 4. Any binary software should not be reverse-engineered or decompiled

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