[Ninux-Wireless] Debug of possible memory leak in the Kernel (OpenWrt Ninux Firmware)

Antonio Quartulli ordex a autistici.org
Mar 2 Lug 2013 12:26:57 CEST

On Mon, Jul 01, 2013 at 01:06:21PM +0200, Saverio Proto wrote:
> Hello Ninux,
> I am running now a very unstable link from Gallia to Nazza node, after
> the downgrade on Nazza site from NanoBridge to Bullet (only 1 chain).
> My side is STA, and Nazza side is AP. I see my device losing
> connection from time to time, and reassociating. This continous
> flapping was very lucky because we spotted a possible memory leak in
> the kernel.
> Here the dmesg of my device.
> http://pastebin.com/ugCSspzy

Saverio, what kernel version is your node using? If I got it correctly the node
suffering from the memory leak is the STA, right?


Antonio Quartulli

..each of us alone is worth nothing..
Ernesto "Che" Guevara
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