[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: [IS4CWN] KORUZA for organic growth of wireless optical networks

federico la morgia super_treje a hotmail.com
Gio 11 Lug 2013 14:42:46 CEST

Sarà ma io non mi fido se non vedo !

--- Messaggio originale ---

Da: "Francesco Zanini" <francesco a zanini.me>
Inviata: 11 luglio 2013 14:29
A: wireless a ml.ninux.org
Oggetto: Re: [Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: [IS4CWN] KORUZA for organic growth of wireless optical networks

C'è chiaramente scritto che è sicuro - ottiche di classe 1.

Il giorno 11/lug/2013 12:50, "federico la morgia" <super_treje a hotmail.com>
ha scritto:

>  Fish gbit è arrivato ma mi sa che qui ci cuociono i piccioni con sti
> wireless optical XD XD XD
> --- Messaggio originale ---
> Da: "Nemesis" <nemesis a ninux.org>
> Inviata: 11 luglio 2013 11:29
> A: wireless a ml.ninux.org
> Oggetto: [Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: [IS4CWN] KORUZA for organic growth of
> wireless optical networks
>  Notizia interessante.
> -------- Messaggio originale --------  Oggetto: [IS4CWN] KORUZA for
> organic growth of wireless optical networks  Data: Thu, 11 Jul 2013
> 10:42:32 +0200  Mittente: Musti <musti a wlan-si.net> <musti a wlan-si.net>  Rispondi-a:
> International Summit for Community Wireless Networks Participant E-mail
> List <cwn-summit a lists.chambana.net> <cwn-summit a lists.chambana.net>  A:
> cwn-summit a lists.chambana.net
> Dear all,
>  as some of you may recall, I have announced the development of a 1Gbps
> wireless optical system suitable for community networks in Barcelona. Now
> almost a year later I am very excited to share the progress with you, as
> well as to seek your help in finding suitable development and travel
> grants and obtaining recomendation/introduction letters for them.
>  KORUZA is an innovative open-source open-hardware wireless communication
> system, employing a new low-cost approach to designing free-space optical
> network systems, enabling building-to-building connectivity with a highly
> collimated light beam at a capacity of 1 Gbps (1000 Mbps) at distances up
> to 100 m. It is designed to be suitable for home as well as professional
> users, enabling organic bottom-up growth of networks by eliminating the
> need for wired fiber connections and associated high installation costs.
> The simplicity of use, low-cost and compact size allow the system to be
> deployed in any network.
>  Feel free to see a more detailed description of the project with nice
> diagrams at:
> http://koruza.net
>  As well as some details about the current state of the prototype system:
> http://koruza.net/ <http://koruza.net/Prototype>P<http://koruza.net/Prototype>
> rototype <http://koruza.net/Prototype>
>  I have written a scientific paper on the topic: Reintroducing Free-Space
> Optical Technology to Community Wireless Networks, which is available on
> (unfortunately behind a paywall):
> http://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis2013/ISUsage/RoundTablePresentations/3/
>  The paper will hopefully be presented to wider audience on AMCIS2013
> conference in Chicago this August, but am at the moment lacking sufficient
> travel funding to attending it. You are most kindly invited to forward the
> project to any organisation that would be able to support me.
>  KORUZA is under active development, but at the moment with my personal
> resources in Slovenia. The next months are going to be dedicated to evolve
> the prototype into a product suitable for the everyone to use and I am
> looking forward to presenting it in Berlin in October, hopefully along with
> a crowd-funding campaign for the first series. A lot of work, time and
> resources are required for the project to grow up sufficiently to support
> itself. I am appealing to you for help in obtaining a grant, by puting me
> in touch with suitable organisations or individuals, that will enable the
> project to continue and meet the above described goals.
>  I am looking forward to meeting you all in Berlin again.
>  Kind regards,
> Luka Mustafa - Musti
> musti a wlan-si.net
> wlan slovenija
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