[Ninux-Wireless] The Heartbleed Challenge

Ilario iochesonome a gmail.com
Sab 12 Apr 2014 10:40:54 CEST

2014-04-11 23:23 GMT+02:00 Germano Massullo <germano.massullo a gmail.com>:
> Segnalo la sfida "The Heartbleed Challenge"
> https://www.cloudflarechallenge.com/heartbleed

Spettacolare, quelli di Cloudflare non lo credevano possibile [1] e
hanno lanciato un contest per verificare che nessuno ci riuscisse.
Invece ce l'hanno fatta in due.

[1] "We think the stealing private keys on most NGINX servers is at
least extremely hard and, likely, impossible. Even with Apache, which
we think may be slightly more vulnerable, and we do not use at
CloudFlare, we believe the likelihood of private SSL keys being
revealed with the Heartbleed vulnerability is very low."

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