[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: [BuB] Research Assistant needed for Rural Networks
nemesis a ninux.org
Ven 11 Lug 2014 18:54:29 CEST
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [BuB] Research Assistant needed for Rural Networks
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 11:37:14 +0100
From: Mahesh K. Marina <mahesh a ed.ac.uk>
Reply-To: bub a llistes.guifi.net
Organization: The University of Edinburgh
To: bub a llistes.guifi.net
In connection with a research project at the University of Edinburgh
to establish a long-distance wireless backbone to connect community
broadband networks on the West Coast of Scotland.
We are looking for a computer scientist with some practical experience
of computer networking, but who -- most importantly -- is prepared to
learn on the job. We need someone who is prepared to
(1) help design and implement a network that can co-exist with
existing community networks,
(2) help manage and organise the project,
(3) climb up hills and cross the sea, sometimes in unpleasant
weather to help with the physical installation of relays,
(4) document the work and instruct local communities, and
(5) enjoy the fantastic scenery and hospitality of the Scottish
Highlands and Islands and get real pleasure from providing help
to remote communities that are desperate for decent Internet.
For some further information, seewww.tegola.org.uk. Please note that
this position is not yet certain, but we hope to have a better idea by
August 2014 and need to start looking now. We are happy to consider
part-time positions or combine with pro-bono support from industry.
If you are interested please contact Peter Buneman by e-mail
(opb a inf.ed.ac.uk) with
"Research Assistant for Rural Networks" in the header.
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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