[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: [DIY-ISP] Fwd: Community Networks & mesh
Saverio Proto
zioproto a gmail.com
Mar 4 Nov 2014 08:27:25 CET
Sorry for crossposting.
---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
Da: "Baptiste Jonglez" <bjonglez a illyse.org>
Data: 03/nov/2014 20:59
Oggetto: [DIY-ISP] Fwd: Community Networks & mesh
A: <diy-isp a lists.ffdn.org>
Cc: <membres a lists.ffdn.org>
This mail from Vesna may interest you. The presentation about Tegola is
quite nice !
Also, Armin is the guy who wrote "Freie Netze" [1] in 2004, I think many
DIY ISPs in Germany and Austria know it already :)
[1] ftp://ftp.heise.de/pub/tp/buch_11.pdf
----- Forwarded message from Vesna Manojlovic <BECHA a ripe.net> -----
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 14:45:21 +0000
From: Vesna Manojlovic <BECHA a ripe.net>
Subject: Community Networks & mesh
Hi guys,
I think you all are involved in the community networks,
so if you did not know each other, please start talking :)
Here are some recent references:
William has just given a first presentation at RIPE69:
Armin is writing a new book about it: working title, "The Rise of the
FFDN & Guifi are old & famous; Slovenian & Croatian networks are new-ish...
My collection of links:
Next time we could meet each other is 31c3 -- who's going?
(self-side certificate, don't be scared ;-)
Please let each other know what you need, how can they help, and what's your
possible contribution to them. Thanks!
(connecting people...)
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