[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: [koruza] Status update & your support required

Nemesis nemesis a ninux.org
Mer 19 Nov 2014 14:35:56 CET

Update su Koruza (https://dev.wlan-si.net/wiki/KORUZA).

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[koruza] Status update & your support required
Date: 	Tue, 18 Nov 2014 21:21:44 +0000
From: 	Musti <musti a wlan-si.net>
Reply-To: 	koruza a wlan-si.net
To: 	koruza a wlan-si.net


development of KORUZA has now shifted towards preparing the open source
release, currently I am focusing on creating and documenting calibration
methods so you can successfully replicate the design and have it working
prior to hacking and improving on it.

Experimental deployments as a part of the WWKORUZA experiment launched
two months ago are now in the process of being mounted in several
European countries and some locations in USA. Once the experimental
deployment is up and running you will be able to see all the
measurements in real time as you can already for two working
deployments: http://koruza.net/RealTimeExperiments

I have recently applied for Shuttleworth Fellowship:

Here is my motivation/application video:

To be able to work full-time on KORUZA and really dedicate everything to
it. The have invited me for an interview as well as for indications of

Please express your opinion and support 22nd November either here on the
mailing list, emailing me the Short statement to be published at
http://koruza.net#Supporters or posting a video reply on youtube to my
application video above.

Kind regards,

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