[Ninux-Wireless] poodle: SSLv3 vulnerability

lilo al3lilo a autistici.org
Ven 17 Ott 2014 08:35:19 CEST

Il 16/10/2014 16:38, Clauz ha scritto:
> Ciao.

ciao ;)

> Per Firefox:
> scrivere about:config nella barra degli indirizzi e settare
> security.tls.version.min a 1.

ANCHE Tor-Browser, becouse firefox^^

> - of the top 1 Million domains, 0.02% have SSLv3 as their highest version
> (verified domains)
> - of the entire ipv4 space, 2.8% use SSLv3 as their highest version
> (unverified certificates)
> [1]. https://zmap.io/sslv3/
> is the best fix until a
> safe downgrading protocol like TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV is available.

-Da grande faro' il cattivo esempio, questo e' uno stage formativo-
bit in rebel
GnuPG/PGP Key-Id: 0x10318C92
FINGERPRINT: 47BE F025 DD21 949F 681E 1D2B 1C2C DA80 1031 8C92
server: pgp.mit.edu

-------------- parte successiva --------------
Un allegato non testuale รจ stato rimosso....
Nome:        0x10318C92.asc
Tipo:        application/pgp-keys
Dimensione:  6354 bytes
Descrizione: non disponibile
URL:         <http://ml.ninux.org/pipermail/wireless/attachments/20141017/a8169906/attachment-0003.key>

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