[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: [IS4CWN] Call for papers: Special Issue on Community Networks - Elsevier Computer Networks Journal

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[IS4CWN] Call for papers: Special Issue on Community Networks
- Elsevier Computer Networks Journal
Date: 	Tue, 21 Oct 2014 15:51:43 +0200
From: 	felix a ac.upc.edu
Reply-To: 	International Summit for Community Wireless Networks
Participant E-mail List <cwn-summit a lists.chambana.net>
To: 	cwn-summit a lists.chambana.net


Community networking is an emerging model for the Future Internet  
where communities of citizens build, operate and own open IP-based  
networks, forming a key infrastructure for individual and collective  
digital participation. Although community-based networks often extend  
or complement the coverage of networks of commercial ISPs, they differ  
in several key aspects. There is usually no central authority that is  
responsible for a precise network planning; a community network grows  
organically. Support is decentralized and open, provided by the  
community to the community. The network nodes are often inexpensive  
off-the-shelf equipment and the network elements exhibit a high degree  
of heterogeneity in the hardware, software, and capacity. The entire  
network infrastructure belongs to the users and is shared to build the  
network. The network is very dynamic: the number of nodes may rapidly  
grow and change as new members join the network, or when nodes  
overload or fail. These community networks are usually built with low  
cost point-to-point wireless links organised in mesh networks, with an  
increasing presence of optical fibre links.

In these scenarios, the networking and systems research community has  
the opportunity to contribute with more sustainable, adaptive,  
scalable, integrated, autonomic solutions for those common traits in  
community networks.

This special issue aims to collect publications addressing theoretical  
and practical challenges of community networks and services, including  
multi-disciplinary contributions that provide insights in the  
socio-technical-economic understanding of the community network  
operation and growth.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

Wireless mesh network protocols for community networks
Wireless MAC and routing protocols for heterogeneous community networks
Services and applications in community networks
Cross-layer designs and implementation in community networks
Hybrid community networks with wireless and optical fibre links
Tools for bootstrapping and running community networks
Clouds for community networks
Interoperation of cloud-based community services
Performance modelling and evaluation of community networks and services
Quality of service provisioning
Quality of experience in community networks
Community network security and privacy
Large-scale management and data collection infrastructures
Incentive models for encouraging users and businesses to participate  
in community networks
Socio-technical-economic models for community networks
Community networks research infrastructure
Submission Details

This special issue solicits papers from an open call and extended  
papers selected from the International Workshop on Community Networks  
and Bottom-up-Broadband (CNBuB). http://research.ac.upc.edu/  
<http://research.ac.upc.edu/>(CNBuB2014, CNBuB2013, CNBuB2012)

The journal submission should extend previously published  
workshop/conference papers considerably (a minimum of 30%) with new  
content. Papers that are essentially the same as the workshop papers  
will be rejected and will not be considered for review.

All received submissions within the scope of this special issue will  
be sent out for blind peer review by three experts in the field and be  
evaluated in regards to the relevance for this special issue, level of  
novelty, depth of contribution, and overall quality. Submitted  
articles must be original, unpublished, and not currently under review  
by other journals. If the paper was preliminarily published at a  
conference, the submitted manuscript must be a substantial extension  
of the conference paper. In this case, authors are also required to  
explain the enhancements made in the journal version. Submitted  
articles must be written clearly, in good English, and should not  
exceed 20 pages, everything included such as abstract, figures,  
tables, references, etc.

Authors should follow the Computer Networks manuscript format which  
can be found  
athttp://www.elsevier.com/journals/computer-networks/1389-1286/guide-for-authors <http://www.elsevier.com/journals/computer-networks/1389-1286/guide-for-authors>. Manuscripts should be submitted online through the Elsevier Editorial System http://ees.elsevier.com/comnet/ <http://ees.elsevier.com/comnet/> and authors should select ' Community Networks ' as the article type for  

Important Dates

Paper Submission Due: January 15, 2015
First round review results: March 15, 2015
Submission of revised papers: April 15, 2015
Second round review results: May 15, 2015
Publication Target Date:  September, 2015

Guest Editors

Dr. Bart Braem
University of Antwerp, Belgium
Email: bart.braem a iminds.be <mailto:bart.braem a iminds.be>
Roger Baig
Guifi.net Foundation, Spain
Email: roger.baig a guifi.net <mailto:roger.baig a guifi.net>
Dr. Felix Freitag
Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
Email: felix a ac.upc.edu <mailto:felix a ac.upc.edu>
CWN-Summit mailing list
CWN-Summit a lists.chambana.net

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