[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: Battlemesh Test & Results Documentation

Nemesis nemesis a ninux.org
Mer 29 Lug 2015 19:41:19 CEST

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Battlemesh Test & Results Documentation
Date: 	Wed, 29 Jul 2015 19:40:22 +0200
From: 	Nemesis <nemesis a ninux.org>
To: 	Battle of the Mesh Mailing List <battlemesh a ml.ninux.org>

In previous threads [1][2] we discussed the need of having the
documentation of tests and results in human readable, easily
reproducible format.

Today I've taken some time to help amadeus and convert his google docs
to this type of format.

HereI wrote a short wrap up, please read:

The documentation is hosted at:


Sources are available at:


Feedback welcome! I hope you like it, if you do, I'll put effort to
improve it during the event, hopefully showing to somebody else how to
update it, it's very easy, lazy people can do it from github too!

If you like it, I would like to move the ownership of the repo to the
battlemesh githuborganization, but to do that I need temporary
ownerpermissions on the org. Let me know what you think.
My github account is: https://github.com/nemesisdesign


[1]: http://ml.ninux.org/pipermail/battlemesh/2015-June/003429.html
[2]: http://ml.ninux.org/pipermail/battlemesh/2015-April/003407.html

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