[Ninux-Wireless] super super router backdoor
Alessandro Gnagni
alessandro a gnagni.it
Mar 3 Mar 2015 08:46:20 CET
A sto punto uso i cisco. Almeno so sicuro che ci sia la backdoor per l'nsa
Il 02/mar/2015 19:30 "Claudio Pisa" <clauz a ninux.org> ha scritto:
> Mi sembra che questa non sia ancora passata da queste parti:
> """
> he tried to upload another open source router firmware but he failed.
> And he thought of an idea to reverse engineer the router firmware used
> in our lab. But surprisingly he discovered a hard-coded backdoor
> username and password and it’s “super”
> """
> """
> During our research, we tried to find the similar security issues in
> another model. And surprisingly what we found was that the same firmware
> have been implemented by the other routers vendors, too. More than 10
> major router vendors have been using this same backdoor affected firmware.
> """
> http://blog.ensolnepal.com/router_backdoor/
> Clauz
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