[Ninux-Wireless] Problema Openwrt
fortunato franco
francofortunato63 a gmail.com
Dom 15 Mar 2015 16:16:48 CET
>cosa contiene rc.local?
root a Scooreggione:~# cat /etc/rc.local
# Put your custom commands here that should be executed once
# the system init finished. By default this file does nothing.
#110 Local routes
#111 RtTable
#112 RtTableDefault
#113 Special Table for /1
#114 blackholes table
#Copy local routes only from table main 254 to table 110
ip route show table 254 | grep -Ev ^default | grep -Ev ^blackhole | while
read ROUTE ; do
MASK=`echo "${ROUTE}" | awk '{print $1}' | awk -F/ '{print $2}'`
if [ "$MASK" -ne 16 ] ; then
ip route add table 110 $ROUTE
#First evaluate local routes
ip rule add from all lookup 110 pref 3
#Private routes to OLSR table
ip rule add to table 111 pref 4
ip rule add to table 111 pref 4
ip rule add to table 111 pref 4
#Ninux IP Addresses to OLSR table
ip rule add to table 111 pref 4
#Evaluate blackholes
ip rule add from all table 114 pref 5
#Send traffic of public addresses to BGP border routers
ip rule add from table 113 pref 6
#Lookup default route first from user and then from OLSR
ip rule add from all lookup 254 pref 7
ip rule add from all lookup 112 pref 8
#Blackhole private aggregates
ip route add blackhole table 114
ip route add blackhole table 114
ip route add blackhole table 114
#Blackhole Ninux aggregate
ip route add blackhole table 114
#Start olsr v4
olsrd -f /etc/config/olsrd -d 0
#Start olsrd v6
#olsrd -f /etc/config/olsrd6.conf -d 0
#MTU Clamping
iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -m tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS
ip6tables -I FORWARD -p tcp --syn -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu
exit 0
>> root a Scooreggione:~# sh /etc/config/olsrd
>cosa stai cercando di fare con questo comando??
inizialmente quando non riuscivo a pingare nulla ho provato a leggere le
vecchie ML in una di queste veniva consigliato di vedere se questo comando
restituiva errori, mi ha colpito il messagio di errore , ma non conosco il
comando e conosco poco linux.
Ciao e grazie
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