[Ninux-Wireless] riunione skill sharing ninux Roma
Radio Emissions Project
ltpaobserverproject a gmail.com
Lun 23 Mar 2015 07:38:41 CET
Dr. Gabriele Cataldi
European Geosciences Union (EGU <http://www.egu.eu/>) member
*Seismology (SM3.2) Earthquake precursors, bioanomalies prior to
earthquakes and prediction.*
*Natural Hazard (NH4.3) Electro-magnetic phenomena and connections with
seismo-tectonic activity.*
*Natural Hazard (NH5.1) Sea & Ocean Hazard - Tsunami.*
American Geophysical Union (AGU <http://sites.agu.org/>) member
Geological Society of London (GS <http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/>) member
Dallas Geological Society (DGS <http://dgs.org/>) member
Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG <http://www.seg.org/seg>)
*The international society of applied geophysics*
Radio Emissions Project
LTPA Observer Project <http://www.ltpaobserverproject.com/index.html>
ltpaobserverproject a gmail.com
Il giorno 22 marzo 2015 21:15, BornAgain <bornagain a autoproduzioni.net> ha
> Il giorno 22/mar/2015, alle ore 20:50, Dr. Gabriele Cataldi <
> ltpaobserverproject a gmail.com> ha scritto:
> Scusate, ma come ci si cancella da questa lista?
> http://ml.ninux.org/mailman/listinfo/wireless
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