[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: [OpenWrt-Devel] fcc hardware lockdown
nemesis a ninux.org
Gio 3 Set 2015 17:15:47 CEST
Seguite qui per la questione FCC
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Subject: [OpenWrt-Devel] fcc hardware lockdown
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2015 14:59:58 +0000
From: demos <demos a posteo.de>
To: OpenWrt User List <openwrt-users a lists.openwrt.org>,
openwrt-devel a lists.openwrt.org, openwireless a eff.org,
tech a openwireless.org, linux-wireless a vger.kernel.org
The GNU people would like to make some hardware and software
recommendations to circumvent the FCC Hardware Lock Down which
potentially threatens Open Wireless Communities especially.
Help us completing this table! ->
That is a possible list for further coordination of resistance:
Thank you
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