[Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: p2p value survey
federico la morgia
super_treje a hotmail.com
Mar 26 Apr 2016 10:41:55 CEST
Traducendo al volo mi sembra sostanzialmente di un progetto che ricadrebbe normalmente in un progetto opensource GPL/LGPL/CC/ e compagnia cantando, solamente che lo hanno chiamato P2P.
Ho capito male ??
> To: wireless a ml.ninux.org
> From: nemesis a ninux.org
> Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2016 13:47:25 +0200
> Subject: [Ninux-Wireless] Fwd: p2p value survey
> Potrebbe interessare a qualcuno.
> Nemesis
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: p2p value survey
> Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2016 09:56:52 +0200
> From: Guido Anselmi <g.anselmi1 a campus.unimib.it>
> To: Guido Anselmi <g.anselmi1 a campus.unimib.it>
> /Dear Sir or Madam/
> /My name is Guido Anselmi and I write in behalf of the p2p value
> research initiative, a EU-funded multi stakeholder research initiative(
> www.p2pvalue.eu <http://www.p2pvalue.eu/> ). You are receiving this mail
> because, at some point, your organization has been included by our
> researchers in a list of relevant players in the p2p economy.
> Because we are interested in mapping the social composition of p2p
> producers, we would like to ask you to fill a short survey; if you could
> also circulate the survey among the other people in your organization
> //it would be great for us.
> Here's the link for the survey/
> //
> /http://www.eSurveysPro.com/Survey.aspx?id=18ce1f0b-ff26-42f9-9d00-9717cb00674c/
> /Also write me back if you need further informations./
> /Have a Nice Day /
> /Guido Anselmi /
> --
> Guido Anselmi
> PhD - Università degli studi Milano Bicocca
> Mobile: +393331904194
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