[Ninux-Wireless] Massive attacks to Ubiquiti Hardware
OCBexpress (Valer;o)
ocbexpress a gmail.com
Lun 16 Maggio 2016 08:00:31 CEST
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From: Landashop | Landatel's Online Shop
Date: 2016-05-15 22:22 GMT+02:00
Subject: URGENT WARNING | Massive attacks to Ubiquiti Hardware
[image: Landashop]
*URGENT WARNING: Massive attacks to Ubiquiti Hardware*
Dear customers,
Since last Friday, the current software base of Ubiquiti Networks has
suffered a wave of attacks that have affected many WISP customers and
operators worldwide. Apparently, it is caused by a virus with global reach
that exploits a localized vulnerability that was already resolved last
year, and that especially affects* Ubiquiti AirMax and AirFiber* hardware with
the following (or previous) firmware releases:
- Airmax 5.6.4(XM/XW), 4.0.4(XS)
- AirFiber AF24/AF24HD 2.2.1 or 3.2.
- AirFiber AF5X
*While waiting for an official statement from the manufacturer*, here
at Landatel we want to warn you about this situation and recommend *this
article (in spanish)* done by a group of clients and friends who have
researched over the weekend in order to provide a solution that detects and
cleans infected hardware.
As *preventive measures*, and because the virus attacks hardware with
outdated firmware, we suggest you install ASAP the latest
published firmware for all affected models. We also siggest you
to block HTTP(S) and SSH access to the equipment and follow closely the
following Ubiquiti forum thread:
>From here, we want to give our most sincere appreciation to* Pedro Garcia*
(Impulzia), *Franscisco Hidalgo* (IB-Red), *David Vaello* (Vaecom), *Juan
Miguel Gallard*o (Codisa) and *Victor De La Nuez* (WiFi Canary Islands).
Yours sincerely,
*Copyright © 2016 Landatel Comunicaciones. All rights reserved.*
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