[Ninux-Wireless] questionario per progetto netcommons.eu
Leonardo Maccari
mail a leonardo.ma
Mer 4 Ott 2017 08:21:11 CEST
Ciao Gente,
Alcuni ricercatori di legge nel progetto netcommons hanno preparato un
questionario per capire quali sono le problematiche piu' comuni dal
punto di vista legale per chi sta dentro una rete comunitaria. Qualcuno
di voi ha voglia di rispondere? Soprattutto quelli che hanno piu'
esperienza di questioni legali, nel senso che ci sono passati attraverso
per vari motivi...
Dear Sir/Madam,
We kindly invite you to participate in the Survey on legal obligations
of Community Networks which is part of the research of the netCommons
netCommons (http://netcommons.eu/) is a research project supported by
the European Commission (2016-2018), which proposes a trans-disciplinary
methodology to study and support the development of local network
internet infrastructures as commons, for resiliency, sustainability,
democracy, privacy, self-determination, and social integration.
You are being invited to take part in this research study because we
identified your organization as a key player in this field.
The goal of this online survey is to assess how the European legal
framework is actually applied by CNs. The results of this survey will
serve as a basis for creating /Guidelines for Community Networks to deal
with legal issues./
As the survey concerns legal obligations, we would be very glad if the
person(s) dealing with legal issues in your CN could answer the questions.
*Participation is anonymous*. You will not be asked your personal
information. We will only use your answers.
If you are willing to accept our invitation, you can take part in the
survey via an online platform: https://d52netcommons.limequery.com/845151
The survey, which should take between 20 and 30 minutes, will be open
_until October 10_.
Thank you very much for your participation!
Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay & Félix Tréguer – CNRS
Federica Giovanella - University of Trento
For further information, please contact Federica
Giovanella: federica.giovanella a unitn.it
<mailto:federica.giovanella a unitn.it>
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