[Ninux-Wireless] questionario per progetto netcommons.eu
Ilario Gelmetti
iochesonome a gmail.com
Mer 4 Ott 2017 12:16:14 CEST
Il link corretto e` questo:
On 10/04/2017 08:49 AM, Enrico La Cava wrote:
> il questionario chiede un token per partecipare...
> On Wed, Oct 4, 2017, 08:21 Leonardo Maccari <mail a leonardo.ma
> <mailto:mail a leonardo.ma>> wrote:
> Ciao Gente,
> Alcuni ricercatori di legge nel progetto netcommons hanno preparato
> un questionario per capire quali sono le problematiche piu' comuni
> dal punto di vista legale per chi sta dentro una rete comunitaria.
> Qualcuno di voi ha voglia di rispondere? Soprattutto quelli che
> hanno piu' esperienza di questioni legali, nel senso che ci sono
> passati attraverso per vari motivi...
> ciao,
> leonardo.
> Dear Sir/Madam,
> We kindly invite you to participate in the Survey on legal
> obligations of Community Networks which is part of the research of
> the netCommons project.
> netCommons (http://netcommons.eu/) is a research project supported
> by the European Commission (2016-2018), which proposes a
> trans-disciplinary methodology to study and support the development
> of local network internet infrastructures as commons, for
> resiliency, sustainability, democracy, privacy, self-determination,
> and social integration.
> You are being invited to take part in this research study because we
> identified your organization as a key player in this field.
> The goal of this online survey is to assess how the European legal
> framework is actually applied by CNs. The results of this survey
> will serve as a basis for creating /Guidelines for Community
> Networks to deal with legal issues./
> As the survey concerns legal obligations, we would be very glad if
> the person(s) dealing with legal issues in your CN could answer the
> questions.
> *Participation is anonymous*. You will not be asked your personal
> information. We will only use your answers.
> If you are willing to accept our invitation, you can take part in
> the survey via an online platform:
> https://d52netcommons.limequery.com/845151
> The survey, which should take between 20 and 30 minutes, will be
> open _until October 10_.
> Thank you very much for your participation!
> Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay & Félix Tréguer – CNRS
> Federica Giovanella - University of Trento
> For further information, please contact Federica
> Giovanella: federica.giovanella a unitn.it
> <mailto:federica.giovanella a unitn.it>
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