[Battlemesh] Help needed presenting our mesh based app @ Battlemesh

Marek Lindner lindner_marek at yahoo.de
Sun Feb 27 23:40:38 UTC 2011

On Sunday 27 February 2011 14:44:54 Mitar wrote:
> Hm, but you do not run computation on routers themselves? They are used
> just for routing. So for testing this we would also need a bunch of
> client computers attached to the mesh? I do not know if this is in plan?
> Probably could interfere with testing protocols itself? But maybe it
> could also give us a real-world load on a network so we would see how
> protocols handle it.

Let me use this occasion to emphasize once more: Something like a fixed "test 
plan" does not exist! We can only test something if some people get together 
and do some tests. So far, I have heard about 3 different groups that want to 
run tests regarding the following topics: multicast optimizations, interactive 
mesh & hidden node. But there is no omnipresent test committee.
If you want $your_protocol / $your_scenario to be tested you need to get 

> > If someone could talk about this there and help us with even a little
> > of the above it would be great. We'll settle for joining in virtually
> > via webconf, irc or some means and giving as much assist as we can :)
> Marek, maybe some webcam presentation would be possible? Will we have
> there a projector? And speakers?

These questions are for Roger - he knows the place.  :-)


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