[Nodeshot] Nodeshot v1: links drawing logic

Clauz clauz at ninux.org
Wed Jan 22 22:44:43 CET 2014

On 01/22/2014 09:13 PM, Stefano De Carlo wrote:
> Hi,
> In Calabria we're in the middle of restoring the links, using the new
> VPN isole with tinc + babeld. We're trying to debug the issues we're
> facing (namely: links not drawing, status switched to unreachable, etc),
> but we've come to realize that it's kinda pointless doing so without
> really understanding how the map server draw the links.
> So, being our knowledge of the current Nodeshot codebase basically
> non-existant, we really like to ask you if:
> * Could you provide us with an overview about the logic of how the map
> server checks the link between nodes and then decide whether or not draw
> them. It doesn't need to be that insigthful, we're looking for at least
> some high-level overview, but of course details are welcomed. Of course,
> if we missed some existing documentation, please let us know.
> * Could you point us to the code files/functions/sections that perform
> link drawing on the map server in the current Nodeshot version? None of
> us is really that much into django, but reading code is, at some level,
> way easier than writing it, so if you don't have the time to give us
> some insight at least we will try to figure something out ourselves, for
> the time being. =)

Hi, Stefanauss.
This is the code you are looking for:

The topology information, in "OLSR txtinfo plug-in format" is fetched
from URLs belonging to different islands which may use different routing
protocols. Links are drawn if the nodes are seen as connected in these
topologies. The color depends on the quality of the links.

There were attempts to make the code cleaner, but there are a lot of
exceptions (e.g. VPN links) and details (e.g. OLSR MIDs) that also pop
up as community networks evolve (e.g. "ground routing").

Don't hesitate to ask. Perhaps it would be nice to arrange a short
remote tutorial on how this script works?


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