[Battlemesh] Military advertising at Battlemesh

Henning Rogge hrogge at googlemail.com
Sat Mar 26 11:13:47 CET 2011

On Saturday 26 March 2011 01:02:40 Antonio Quartulli wrote:
> So, what would you prefer to do? Make people aware that we want to
> apply censorship on any army-related talk?
> I think that what we can really do is to advertise that Battlemesh doesn't
> like this kind of topic (by means of a public advertisement, maybe on
> the webpage), but then, if someone start speaking about it anyway, you
> can just ignore him.
Maybe we could make up a text for the next battlemesh that we like the talks 
of our event to be about civil and maybe commercial applications, but not 
military ones. Make people to keep this in mind when they prepare a talk for 

We don't need to "censor" or "forbid" anything, we just have to state clearly 
what is the focus of our small event/conference and what kind of presentations 
we are looking for. Most conferences do this too and would be pretty annoyed 
if someone ignores this.

Henning Rogge

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2) You can't break even.
3) You can't leave the game.
— The Laws of Thermodynamics, summarized
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