[Battlemesh] Military advertising at Battlemesh

Antonio Quartulli ordex at ritirata.org
Sat Mar 26 01:02:40 CET 2011

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 08:49:13PM +0100, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
> > I wouldn't concentrate in military but in advertisment.
> All advertisement is not equal.  The Pisa guys were advertising
> Diaspora, I'm fine with that.  Elektra has been advertising Mesh Potato,
> and I'm glad she did.  Our Greek friends have done some advertising for
> Woogle, which was very interesting, and our hosts have been advertising
> Guifi.net, which I was glad to learn more about.
> Advertising for companies that are in the bomb-making industry (and
> potentially supply both sides in a conflict) banalises this field of
> activity, and risks giving the younger generation the impression that it
> is just a job like another.  It is not.

So, what would you prefer to do? Make people aware that we want to
apply censorship on any army-related talk?

I think that what we can really do is to advertise that Battlemesh doesn't 
like this kind of topic (by means of a public advertisement, maybe on 
the webpage), but then, if someone start speaking about it anyway, you 
can just ignore him.

my half cent

Antonio Quartulli

..each of us alone is worth nothing..
Ernesto "Che" Guevara

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