[Battlemesh] Payments for WBMv5, a short note

George Kleissiaris gklis at sarantaporo.gr
Fri Jan 27 20:08:53 CET 2012

Please see the follow video about how google docs and google forms work and
if you think it is a good tool for gathering all the information we need we
can use it. Personally i have used before and it really helped me.

Best Regards,
George Klissiaris

-----Original Message-----
From: battlemesh-bounces at ml.ninux.org
[mailto:battlemesh-bounces at ml.ninux.org] On Behalf Of Marek Lindner
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 4:58 PM
To: Battle of the Mesh Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Battlemesh] Payments for WBMv5, a short note


> I have a suggestion to make about the event registration. We could 
> have a contact form (google form for example or anything else you 
> could suggest) in order to have online participants registration 
> proving also their contact data and some other information like if 
> they intend to make a presentation. Whoever collects these information 
> could update the appropriate wiki page, excluding personal contact 
> information for avoiding spammers, twice a week so that everyone can
monitor the participants list.
> I had the idea, because at the moment we don't really have clear view 
> on what is going on with registration and how many participant we 
> should expect for the time being. Such kind of form could be also 
> helpful with any Greek participation in the main event. How could we 
> know if a Greek would like to participate either as a presenter or as 
> attendant in a workshop? Shouldn't we have some kind of registration
> See a draft example of such a form in the following link:
> https://docs.google.com/a/sarantaporo.gr/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=
> m xqdnNSTWpUVjdYQXF2ODcyYkE6MQ
> If you like the above idea please feel free to make your suggestions 
> about making it better and we could start using it. We could also 
> embed it in the wiki.

generally, I like the idea of having some way to contact the people. 
Especially for the Warmup event because we need to get everyone to show up
at the same place and time. How do these google forms work ? They save the
data somewhere on the google servers? Password protected or can
spammers/other people find it ?

I'd like to handle the talks / workshops in the same way as last year
(interactively via email). Turns out most people need a while to decide what
they want to talk about.  :-) My call for papers should go out tomorrow.

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