[Battlemesh] Talk @ WBMv5

Marek Lindner lindner_marek at yahoo.de
Thu Mar 15 20:11:51 CET 2012


> > Problem: I won't be there anymore. I have to leave on Wednesday.
> that is sad to hear!
> The talks are grouped together because quite some people expressed the
> desire to have more time for hacking and less talks. Don't know if it
> pleases everyone if we spread the talks over all the days ? Opinions ?
> Based on last years experience most people arrive towards the second part
> of the week (unlike you). Therefore it seemed smarter to move the talks to
> the second half of the week.
> Would Roger be able to take over your part ?

just exploring all options: Could we left-shirt the agenda by a day (starting 
on Tuesday) ? We have a speaker who detected a collision between his talk and 
his travel plans. Would that conflict with your "social activity plan" ? Would 
it be possible to record the talks from Tuesday to Thursday instead Wednesday 
to Friday ?


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