[Battlemesh] Talk @ WBMv5

Roger Baig ViƱas roger.baig at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 23:59:59 CET 2012


On 15 March 2012 20:11, Marek Lindner <lindner_marek at yahoo.de> wrote:
> Nefeli,
>> > Problem: I won't be there anymore. I have to leave on Wednesday.
>> that is sad to hear!
>> The talks are grouped together because quite some people expressed the
>> desire to have more time for hacking and less talks. Don't know if it
>> pleases everyone if we spread the talks over all the days ? Opinions ?
>> Based on last years experience most people arrive towards the second part
>> of the week (unlike you). Therefore it seemed smarter to move the talks to
>> the second half of the week.
>> Would Roger be able to take over your part ?
> just exploring all options: Could we left-shirt the agenda by a day (starting
> on Tuesday) ? We have a speaker who detected a collision between his talk and
> his travel plans. Would that conflict with your "social activity plan" ? Would
> it be possible to record the talks from Tuesday to Thursday instead Wednesday
> to Friday ?

Shifting is one option. Another is to extend the talks one more day
(Tue-Fri). Despite both of them are ok for me I think the second has
some advantages: 1st) does not affect the rest of already scheduled
talks, 2nd) does not affect the activity of those who want to hack
since they can keep doing it in parallel of the talks, and 3rd) opens
the door to devote more time to talk about specific the projects since
there's a lot of stuff that might be interesting for many mesh
enthusiasts. In this sense I would propose to reshape the talk
currently proposed for Thursday from 17h-18h "Public funding for mesh
projects" to something like:

* general aspects (30min)
* ENPI (30min)
* CONFINE (30min)
* Commons4EU (30min)

IMHO taking over should be avoided if the solutions to do so are as
simple as the ones we are considering.

And I would suggest also another talk (Friday?) about the future of
the WBM (how do we want it to be? how can we improve it from the
experience gained from the previous editions?) and the v6 edition
(candidates to host it?)

PS: I cannot edit either the agenda

Best regards.

> Thanks,
> Marek
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