[Battlemesh] WBMv6 - Hardware / Sponsoring

Benjamin Henrion bh at udev.org
Mon Oct 29 16:27:07 CET 2012

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Roger Baig ViƱas <roger.baig at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 29 October 2012 15:57, Simon Wunderlich
> <simon.wunderlich at s2003.tu-chemnitz.de> wrote:
>> Hey Aaron, Pau,
>> On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 08:51:50AM +0100, L. Aaron Kaplan wrote:
>>> > I don't know which is the exact idea of Aaron (he will clarify it). But I
>>> > think Confine project can provide some devices (probably Alix boards) for
>>> > the testbeds, as far I know it should not be a problem.
>>> ok, I did not have this in mind - but why not :)
>>> > We can also join the Confine testbed with the WBM testbed through VPN link.
>>> > If there is an OpenWRT image ready, it is very easy to deploy by the
>>> > Confine testbed (just a few commands).
>>> >
>>> That's exactly what I had in mind!
>>> The benefit for CONFINE would be that the WBM test-drives our federated CONFINE testbeds and our server deployment software
>>> and the benefit for WBM would be to have a larger real-world testbed with better hardware than Foneras and Linksyses.
>>> In fact, since the openwrt image that Pau mentioned has LXC and thus some sort of virtualization, we can run multiple routing protocols and tests in parallel (to some extent).
>>> win-win.
>>> > Another point would be to used Confine firmware for the WBM devices. It is
>>> > and OpenWRT with LXC support and a set of scripts to easy create containers
>>> > with an existing image.
>>> And that seems like another good idea :) - but I did not have this in mind :)
>> A permament testbed is a really nice idea, and it is a good idea to try it out -
>> however, it should not be used to replace the local hands-on tests we do in the
>> wireless battle mesh, in my opionion. We might find wifi driver bugs, upgrade the
>> drivers, change positions of nodes to get better connection, reboot them, building
>> some wired backbone ... things we can't do so easily in a remote testbed.
> Indeed, it is not about replacing anything but complementing.
> Permanent testbeds can be used, for instance, to test firmware
> deployments before the WBM to save time.

We could even start now, now just some weeks before the WBM.

How do we get access to those permanent testbeds?

Benjamin Henrion <bhenrion at ffii.org>
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