[Battlemesh] WBMv6 - Hardware / Sponsoring

Benjamin Henrion bh at udev.org
Mon Oct 29 16:10:48 CET 2012

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 8:51 AM, L. Aaron Kaplan <aaron at lo-res.org> wrote:
> Hi Simon and Pau,
> On Oct 28, 2012, at 10:16 PM, Pau wrote:
>> Confine testbed is spread among three community networks. There will be one
>> (or more) servers which will launch the experiments previously prepared by
>> the researchers.
>> I don't know which is the exact idea of Aaron (he will clarify it). But I
>> think Confine project can provide some devices (probably Alix boards) for
>> the testbeds, as far I know it should not be a problem.
> ok, I did not have this in mind - but why not :)
>> We can also join the Confine testbed with the WBM testbed through VPN link.
>> If there is an OpenWRT image ready, it is very easy to deploy by the
>> Confine testbed (just a few commands).
> That's exactly what I had in mind!
> The benefit for CONFINE would be that the WBM test-drives our federated CONFINE testbeds and our server deployment software
> and the benefit for WBM would be to have a larger real-world testbed with better hardware than Foneras and Linksyses.
> In fact, since the openwrt image that Pau mentioned has LXC and thus some sort of virtualization, we can run multiple routing protocols and tests in parallel (to some extent).

Stupid question, how do you expose the wlan0 interface to an LXC container?

I have nearly finished to patch openwrt for openvz, which is similar
to LXC, but I have not managed to get wlan0 exposed, especially by
multiple containers at the same time.

Benjamin Henrion <bhenrion at ffii.org>
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